Docker Compose file which creates a Salt master and minion(s). The Salt master auto accepts all minions. Used for testing the salt master with > 1000 minions.
Start the salt master and 1 minion.
docker-compose up -d
When using auto_accept: False
(default setting) every minion needs to be accepted. List minions waiting for keys to be accepted. This part can be skipped when using this repo as is.
docker-compose exec master salt-key -L
Accept all pending keys for all minions
docker-compose exec master salt-key -A
Scale some extra minions
docker-compose up --scale minion=5
Run some commands on the minions
docker-compose exec master salt '*'
Scale the minion service
rancher scale minion=100
Run a ping
rancher exec master salt '*'
Time the ping
time rancher exec master salt '*'
rancher exec master salt '*' test.collatz 1