
Static site generator extracted from facebook relay site with c9.io modification

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Run the Server

The first time, get all the dependencies loaded via

npm install

Then, run the server via

npm start
Open http://localhost:8080/relay/index.html

Anytime you change the contents, just refresh the page and it's going to be updated

Build the GraphQL Relay Spec

Build the GraphQL Relay spec via

npm run build-spec

Anytime you change the contents of relay/website/graphql, you must re-build.

Publish the Website

First setup your environment by having two folders, one relay and one relay-gh-pages. The publish script expects those exact names.

cd ../../
git clone git@github.com:facebook/relay.git relay-gh-pages
cd relay-gh-pages
git checkout origin/gh-pages
git checkout -b gh-pages
git push --set-upstream origin gh-pages
cd ../relay/website

Then, after you've done changes, just run the command and it'll automatically build the static version of the site and publish it to gh-pages.
