./upload-utterances.js --sheet "excel-sheet-name" --bot "bot-name" --intents "list of intents separated by a space" --buildBot "true or false"
- sheet: The name of csv sheet to pull utterances from.
- bot: The name of the bot that hosts intents where utterances are to be uploaded.
- intents: The names(s) of the intents from which utterances are to be uploaded. Specify the list of utterances by listing them consecutively separated by spaces.
- buildBot: Flag to build or not build bot. Set to true if bot to be build. Omit if bot is not to be built.
- ./upload-utterances.js --sheet "New Utterances.csv" --bot ScheduleAppointment --intents Greetings
- ./upload-utterances.js --sheet "New Utterances.csv" --bot ScheduleAppointment --intents Greetings Appreciation --buildBot true