
Python code which checks your calculator project.


  • Python3
  • LC-3 simulator(./lc3sim)


To use this project, you must have your obj file(calc.obj) in your lc3 folder.

First change your directory to ~/lc3.(/lc3 is the directory which contains files like ./lc3sim, if you have these files in other directory, please substitute 'lc3' to the name of that directory.)

std00000@ccp0:~$ cd lc3

And copy this project with command below.

std00000@ccp0:~/lc3$ git clone

Copy the python file in the lc3 folder.

std00000@ccp0:~/lc3$ cd lc3_calculator_checker
std00000@ccp0:~/lc3/lc3_calculator_checker$ cp ../

And execute this code.

std00000@ccp0:~/lc3/lc3_calculator_checker$ cd ..
std00000@ccp0:~/lc3$ python3


This code will test your code with 8596 test cases consist of:

  • All cases for numbers in [-16, 15] (32x32x3 + 32x16x2 = 4096 test cases, since / and % doesn't have negative divisor.)
  • Random cases(5000 test cases)
  • Delete some of the cases to make output stable(delete 500 cases)

If the program has correct answer you'll see the output like:

Case 50 : YES 12+5=17

It means that your program gave a correct answer 17 for the test case 12+5.

If the program has incorrect answer you'll see the output like:

NO answer is 15

It means that your program gave a incorrect answer 13 for the test case 3*5, which the correct answer is 15.


Don't forget to copy your asm file to your home directory.