- Intro to R, R environment, installing libraries and loading packages
- Basic objects in R, different data types, testing and changing types, importing data into the R environment
- Basic data mining in R
- Creating frequency histograms, analyzing different distributions, visualizing data
- Basic machine learning algorithms
- Creating automated report using R markdown, report streamlining
- Creating an interactive dashboard in R
- CLO1: Learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis
- CLO2: Access online resources for R and import new function packages into the R workspace
- CLO3: Import, review, manipulate and summarize data-sets in R
- CLO4: Perform appropriate statistical tests using R
The official system of record is canvas.
Date | St | H1 | H2 | H3 | Notes |
May22 | 5pm | Intro & Administrative | Intro to R | R, r-studio, git | |
May23 | 5pm | How does GPT work? | Prompting & Productivity | Back to R: Object Classes | |
May24 | 5pm | EDA: Data Sources, Data Manipulation | EDA: Data Visualization | More EDA | |
May25 | 5pm | Loops & Logical Operations | Custom Functions | Writing Packages | |
May29 | NA | NA | Case 1 Due | ||
May30 | 5pm | Machine Learning Data Prep | Decision Tree | Random Forest | |
May31 | 5pm | R Markdown | Flexdashboard | Library(officer) | |
June1 | 5pm | Responsible & Trusted AI | Equity/Inclusion Modeling | ||
June6 | NA | NA | Case 2 Due |
# Individually you can use
# install.packages('packageName') such as below:
# or
pacman::p_load('caret','data.table','devtools','DataExplorer','datawizard', 'dplyr', 'ggdark',
'ggplot2','ggthemes','httr', 'jsonlite', 'leaflet', 'lubridate',
'mapproj','maps', 'MLmetrics', 'naniar','pbapply',
'ROSE', 'rpart', 'rpart.plot', 'stringr','tidyr','vtreat','fairness')
# We also use these unofficial packages for 1 script, but if you have trouble don't worry about it. Not a big deal:
# OR