Hult University 2024 Spring Visualizing & Analyzing Data with R: Methods & Tools Course Repository
# | Topic* | Date 5:30-8:30pm EST |
1 | Intro/Admin | Jan 16 |
2 | Intro to Analytics | Jan 18 |
3 | Report Automation | Jan 23 |
4 | Regression, Log Regression, rpart(time permitting) | Jan 25 |
5 | Natural Language Processing | Jan 30 |
6 | Data Sources | Feb 1 |
7 | Data Viz & Ethics | Feb 6 |
8* | Hackathon for a portfolio project (tentative) | Feb 8 |
# | Topic | Due Date* |
A1 | Retail Stores EDA 40% | Jan 25 |
A2 | Household Spend 40% | Feb 2 |
A3 | NLP 12% | Feb 7 |
A4 | Reporting Assessment 8% | Jan 19 |
Keep in mind the class repository is not an official system of record. The University system with due dates and rubrics is the official system of record and supercedes anything on the class repository.
We may need to adjust these but this is a good start!
# Individually you can use
# install.packages('packageName') such as below:
# or
pacman::p_load(ggplot2, ggthemes, ggdark, rbokeh, maps,
ggmap, leaflet,, DataExplorer,
vtreat, dplyr, ModelMetrics, pROC,
MLmetrics, caret, e1071, plyr,
rpart.plot, randomForest, forecast, dygraphs,
lubridate, jsonlite, tseries, ggseas,
arules,fst, recommenderlab,reshape2,
TTR,quantmod, htmltools,
PerformanceAnalytics,rpart, data.table,
pbapply, rbokeh, stringi, tm, qdap, readr,
dendextend, wordcloud, RColorBrewer,
tidytext, radarchart, RCurl, openNLP, xml2, stringr,
devtools, flexdashboard, rmarkdown, httr)