
Simple benchmarks of Dijkstra algorithm among C++, Go, Julia, Python, JavaScript, Rust and Kotlin

Primary LanguagePython


Simple benchmarks of Dijkstra algorithm among C++, Go, Julia, Python(+Cython), JavaScript, Rust and Kotlin.


Submodules are contained. You need to git submodule update --init --recursive at first.

This benchmark uses hyperfine.

And runs on languages below:

  • Go : 1.14
  • Rust : 1.44
  • JavaScript : NodeJS 13
  • Kotlin : 1.3 + jdk >=8
  • Julia : 1.4
  • Clang : 7 (or versions which support C++17)

I like using asdf to set up those environments, except Clang.

while read lang plugin version dummy; do
  asdf plugin add $plugin
  asdf install $plugin $version
  (cd $lang; asdf local $plugin $version)
done <<EOT
go golang 1.14.2
python python 3.8.2
cython python 3.8.2
pypy python pypy3.6-7.3.1
kotlin java adopt-openjdk-14.0.1+7
kotlin kotlin 1.3.72
rust rust 1.44.0
julia julia 1.4.1
javascript nodejs 13.13.0
asdf reshim

Also you need to get the Tokyo's road network data from Urban Road Network Data .

mkdir data
curl -L https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/3663336 > data/tokyo.zip
pushd data
unzip tokyo.zip

How to run

for all languages


for specific language

./run.sh [cpp|go|rust|javascript|julia|kotlin|python|cython|pypy]