= Motto-Mysql README Release: $Release$ $Copyright$ * website: http://motto-mysql.rubyforge.org/ * download: http://rubyforge.org/projects/motto-mysql/ * repository: http://github.com/kwatch/motto-mysql/ * bug reports: http://kuwata-lab-products.googlegroups.com/ == About 'Motto-Mysql' is a complementary library to enhance 'mysql-ruby'. It adds some methods into Mysql::Result and Mysql::Stmt classes. Motto-mysql requires mysql-ruby 2.7.4 or later (recommended 2.7.5 or later). == Features * Add 'fetch_as_{hash,array,object}()' and 'fetch_all_as_{hashes,arrays,objects}()' methods into Mysql::Result and Mysql::Stmt classes. These methods returns proper data instead of String. For example, you can get 123 instead of "123", true/false instead of "1"/"0". * Time object will be returned instead of Mysql::Time. * True or false will be returned instead of 1 or 0 if column type is tinyint. * 3.14 will be returned, while Mysql::Stmt.fetch() returns 3.14000010490417. == Install (1) Be sure that header files of Ruby and MySQL are installed. (2) Install mysql-ruby (>= 2.7.4) if not installed yet. (3) Install Motto-Mysql by RubyGems or 'setup.rb'. The following is an example of steps to install by 'setup.rb'. ### install mysql-ruby (if not installed yet) $ tar xzf mysql-ruby-2.8.tar.gz $ cd mysql-ruby-2.8/ $ which mysql_config /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config $ ruby extconf.rb --with-mysql-config $ make $ sudo make install $ cd .. ### install motto-mysql $ tar xzf motto-mysql-$Release$.tar.gz $ cd motto-mysql-$Release$ $ which mysql_config /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config $ sudo ruby setup.rb == Example require 'mysql' require 'motto_mysql' conn = Mysql.connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'dbname') sql = 'select * from items'; ### Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash() vs. Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash() result = conn.query(sql) p result.fetch_as_hash() #=> {"id"=>"1", "name"=>"foo", "price"=>"3.14", # "created_at"=>#<Mysql::Time>, "flag"=>"1" } result.free() result = conn.query(sql) p result.fetch_as_hash #=> {"id"=>1, "name"=>"foo", "price"=>3.14, # "created_at"=>#<Time>, "flag"=>true } result.free() #=> Mysql::Error ("Mysql::Result object is freed.") ### Mysql::Result#fetch_row() vs. Mysql::Result#fetch_as_array() result = conn.query(sql) p result.fetch_row #=> {"1", "foo", "3.14", #<Mysql::Time>, "1" } result.free() result = conn.query(sql) p result.fetch_as_hash #=> {1, "foo", 3.14, #<Time>, true } result.free() #=> Mysql::Error ("Mysql::Result object is freed.") ### Mysql::Result#fetch_as() class MyObject end result = conn.query(sql) result.fetch_as(MyClass) #=> #<MyClass @id=1, @name="foo", @price=>3.14, @created_at=>#<Time>, @flag=>true> result.free() #=> Mysql::Error ("Mysql::Result object is freed.") ### Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_hashes() result = conn.query(sql) p result.fetch_all_as_hashes #=> [ {"id"=>1, "name"=>"foo", ... }, # {"id"=>2, "name"=>"bar", ... }, ] # or result.fetch_all_as_hashes {|hash| p hash } ### Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_arrays() result = conn.query(sql) p result.fetch_all_as_arrays #=> [ [1, "foo", 3.14, ...], # [2, "bar", 3.15, ...], ] # or result.fetch_all_as_arrays {|array| p array } ### Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as() result = conn.query(sql) p result.fetch_all_as(MyClass) #=> [ #<MyObject @id=1, @name="foo", ...>, # #<MyObject @id=2, @name="bar", ...>, ] # or result.fetch_all_as(MyClass) {|object| p object } == API === class Mysql::Result : Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash() Similar to Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash(), but values are converted into proper class and Mysql::Result#free() is called automatically. For example, Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash() returns (({ {'id'=>1, 'float'=>3.14, 'date'=>Time.mktime(2008, 1, 1), 'flag'=>true} })) while Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash() returns (({ {'id'=>"1", 'float'=>"3.14", 'date'=>"2008-01-01", 'flag'=>"1"} })) . : Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash!() Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash() but this doesn't call Mysql::Result#free() automatically. : Mysql::Result#fetch_as_array() Similar to Mysql::Result#fetch_row(), but values are converted into proper class and Mysql::Result#free() is called automatically. For example, Mysql::Result#fetch_as_array() returns (({ {1, 3.14, Time.mktime(2008, 1, 1), true} })) while Mysql::Result#fetch_row() returns (({ {"1", "3.14", "2008-01-01", "1"} })) . : Mysql::Result#fetch_as_array!() Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_as_array() but this doesn't call Mysql::Result#free() automatically. : Mysql::Result#fetch_as_object(class), Mysql::Result#fetch_as(class) Similar to Mysql::Result#fetch_as_hash(), but instance object of ClassObject is returned instead of hash object. Column data are set as instance variables of the object. : Mysql::Result#fetch_as_object!(class), Mysql::Result#fetch_as!(class) Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_as_object() but this doesn't call Mysql::Result#free() automatically. : Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_hashes() Fetch all records by Result#fetch_as_hash(). If block is given, it is called with each fetched hash object. If block is not given, just returns an array of fetched hash objects. Mysql::Result#free() is called automatically. : Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_hashes!() Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_hashes() but this doesn't call Mysql::Result#free() automatically. : Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_arrays() Fetch all records by Result#fetch_as_array(). If block is given, it is called with each fetched array object. If block is not given, just returns an array of fetched array objects. Mysql::Result#free() is called automatically. : Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_arrays!() Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_arrays() but this doesn't call Mysql::Result#free() automatically. : Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_objects(class), Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as(class) Fetch all records by Result#fetch_as_object(). If block is given, it is called with each fetched object. If block is not given, just returns an array of fetched objects. Mysql::Result#free() is called automatically. : Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_objects!(class), Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as!(class) Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_objects() but this doesn't call Mysql::Result#free() automatically. === class Mysql::Stmt : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_hash() Equivarent to Mysql::Resutl#fetch_as_hash(). Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() are called automatically. : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_hash!() Same as Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_hash() but this doesn't call Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close(). : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_array() Equivarent to Mysql::Resutl#fetch_as_array(). Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() are called automatically. : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_array!() Same as Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_array() but this doesn't call Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close(). : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_object(class), Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as(class) Equivarent to Mysql::Result#fetch_as_object(). Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() are called automatically. : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_object!(class), Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as!(class) Same as Mysql::Stmt#fetch_as_object() but this doesn't call Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close(). : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_all_as_hashes() Equivarent to Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_hashes(). Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() are called automatically. : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_all_as_hashes!() Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_hashes() but this doesn't call Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() automatically. : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_all_as_arrays() Equivarent to Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_arrays(). Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() are called automatically. : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_all_as_arrays!() Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_arrays() but this doesn't call Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() automatically. : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_all_as_objects(class), Mysql::Stmt#fetch_all_as(class) Equivarent to Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_objects(). Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() are called automatically. : Mysql::Stmt#fetch_all_as_objects!(class), Mysql::Stmt#fetch_all_as!(class) Same as Mysql::Result#fetch_all_as_objects() but this doesn't call Mysql::Stmt#free_result() and Mysql::Stmt#close() automatically. == Tips === Timestamp class If column type is timestamp, fetch_as_xxx() and fetch_all_as_xxx() methods in Mysql::Result and Mysql::Stmt classes returns: * Time object when 1970 <= year < 2038 * DateTime object when year < 1970 or 2038 <= year Because Ruby's Time class causes ArgumentError when year < 1970 or 2038 <= year. (Notice that this is for 32bit environment. If you are in 64 bit environment, Ruby's Time object will be returned everytime.) == License Ruby's license == Author makoto kuwata <kwa(at)kuwata-lab.com> == Bug reports If you have bugs or questions, join http://kuwata-lab-products.googlegroups.com.
Motto-mysql is a complementary library to enhance and make faster 'mysql-ruby' library.