This is a web based application that can help you manage the list of all your employees in your company.
This app comes with features, such as:
- Viewing of employee payments history.
- Creating / editing / deleting of departments (Manage Department).
- Creating / editing / deleting of employees (Manage Employee) .
- Creating of new admins to manage the app .
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running .
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
* For local usage, install a local hosting server e.g Xammp
* Drop the file inside your htdoc C:\xampp\htdocs\folder_name
* Create a Database and upload the employee.sql in the _SQL folder
* Add database infomation to .env
* From your Command Line, locate htdoc C:\xampp\htdocs\folder_name
* Now run php artisan storage:link
* To view on the run http://localhost/folder_name
* Register yourself as an admin
* Hurray your app is up and running
- Williams Kingsley - KWED
- Laravel 7.3.0 - The web framework used
- BootStrapDash - Template used
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
- Website:
- GitHub:
- /
- Facebook:
Employee Data Management System By KWED is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.