
A modern react ui library built for ambitious design and developer teams

MIT LicenseMIT

Accent Ui

A modern react ui library built for ambitious design and developer teams

  • Accent based Design. Accent components are built with accent color design in mind.

  • Flexible & composable. Modern React is the base for accent ui. If you can React then you can also Accent.

  • Built in Component animations. Accent offers out of the box beautiful animations to bring components to life.applications.

Documentation & Community

  • [Documentation](coming soon)
  • [Discord](coming soon)

Migration guide

No migrations Available

Install and use components

🌲 Accent Ui is made up of various components and tools.Each component can be imported single-handed. All you need to do is install the accent-ui package:

$ yarn add accent-ui
# or
$ npm install --save accent-ui

A simple example.This is how a accent ui component ( Button ) is added

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { Button } from 'accent-ui'

  <Button>I am using Accent!</Button>,

Why Accent UI ?

Contributing to Accent UI

🍴 Step 1. Fork this repository

In order to contribute to Accent, you need to fork this repo, and develop on your own local clone.

If you don't know how to do so, follow this guide!

📖 Step 2. Run StoryBook

First, move into your local cloned repository with the help of cd, after that install your node_modules with:

$ yarn

To actually start seeing the components you have to run React Storybook with the command:

$ yarn dev

Now go to http://localhost:6006 in your browser.

🛠 Step 3. Make an impressive change

Now you can start developing! All of the components are under the src directory and associated code changes will automatically be reflected in StoryBook.

If necessary, we encourage you to update the documentation so users will be aware of your new features/changes.

In order to run the documentation page locally, run these commands in your terminal:

$ yarn build
$ cd docs
$ yarn install
$ yarn dev

Now you can visit http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.

Documentation code is coming soon.

🏆 Step 4. Making your pull request

Once you're done with making your changes, push everything to your local repository's branch.

From here, you can open up a pull request from your forked repository's branch into kweku360/accent-ui's master branch.

In your PR description, explain the changes you made, why you made them, how to test them, and anything that might be a point of interest.

Once you create your PR, it will be reviewed and hopefully merged quickly!

🥂 Step 5. Phew

Congrats, you're officially an Accent contributor!

🎉 Contributors

We are looking for more contributers

  • Kweku O. Kankam

This project is maintained by [kweku kankam)

Please take a look at the contributing guide to better understand what to work on.


Accent-Ui is released under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2021 @kweku360