
Analytics and Machine Learning for Software Engineering

Primary LanguagePython

IN4334 - Analytics and Machine Learning for Software Engineering

This repository contains the source code for the course IN4334 - Analytics and Machine Learning for Software Engineering given at the Delft University of Technology. With the help of deep learning, commit messages were generated based on git diff files with a Sequence to Sequence model. For more information see the paper.

Data collection

Edit the config on the top of the git-helper/github_api.py file to change the language to gather or the amount of repositories.

pip install GitPython==3.0.3 PyGithub==1.43.8
python git-helper/github_api.py <output_dir>

After the scraping is finished you can find a 'msg' and 'diff' dir in your output_dir which will contain all the messages and diffs collected from GitHub. You can supply the output_dir to the preprocessing script as argument.


First install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Or with pipenv:

pipenv install
pipenv shell

And download the spacy model:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Then start a Python shell and run the following commands:

import nltk

Now, make the necessary modifications to the configuration in preprocessing/constants.py. Then, from the root of this repo, run python -m preprocessing.main. The script will first index the dataset, which can take a couple of minutes, and then process the dataset, which can take more than an hour.

Training a model

  • Training from config: python train.py --config config/<config.json>
  • Training from checkpoint: python train.py --resume saved/models/<subdirectories>/checkpoint.pth
  • Analyse the logs with Tensorboard: tensorboard --logdir saved/log/<model_name>

Note that when resuming a model from a checkpoint, the corresponding config.json from saved/models/<model_name>/<subdirectories> will be used.

For GPU support for PyTorch with CUDA, see the official documentation on the PyTorch site

Testing a model

  • Test from config: python test.py --config config/<config.json>
  • Test from checkpoint: python test.py --resume saved/models/<model_name>/<subdirectories>
  • Analyse the test logs with Tensorboard: tensorboard --logdir saved/test_log/<model_name>

The test script will compute the following on the test set:

  • The loss and perplexity.
  • Inference on the diff data. The file with predictions of the commit messages are stored with the .pred suffix. For the exact files location see config['inference'].

Existing implementation

The OpenNMT-py toolkit from here is included in this repository. It can be execute with the test and train scripts in scripts from the root of this repository with ./scripts/train.sh or ./scripts/test.sh


The configuration used in this research are the following:

  • Java data: config/java.json
  • C# data: config/cs.json
  • NMT1 from Jiang et al. : config/nmt1.json
  • NMT1 but preprocessed with our preprocessing: config/nmt1_preprocessed.json

Research artifacts (datasets, models, results)

The collected datasets, the trained model, and all of the testing results are available online at Zenodo


The following resources were used during creating of this codebase: