A football manager-style game
- player generation module
- team generation module
- matchday module
A person is someone who will be referenced in Footballista. It can be a player, a coach or a staff member of a team.
A football player is a member of a team. Players can have multiple positions on the field, but they only have one favourite position. This means that the same player playing on different positions on the pitch will have a different overall score. They can have multiple nationalities (within a limit of 3). Each player will have a specific growth curve ccording to their nationality and gender.
Young players, like normal human beings, have the ability to grow in weight and height. The growth should follow a standard curve, specific to the player's country and gender.
Based on the locale of the game, SI or in Imperial units will be used.
- WordCities database contains an awful lot of world cities, thanks!
- Name databases loads of last names for different languages, great!