Web for Hiprice.
yarn install // or npm install
yarn run build // or npm run build
cd dist
mv static/favicon.ico ./
mkdir web
mv static/ web/
mv index.html web/
mv web/static/help.html web/
Upload everything in dist to CDN(keep directory structure).
Or use a static server(eg. http-server).
Usually you should use previous step to build and deploy files to CDN, but for convenience, here is a docker image out-of-box.
// build
docker image build -f Dockerfile -t hiprice-web .
// default CHATBOT_SERVER is localhost:6200, either ip or domain is accepted,
// if you want to use HiPrice out of localhost, a valid CHATBOT_SERVER must be specified.
docker image build -f Dockerfile -t hiprice-web --build-arg CHATBOT_SERVER= .
// run
docker container run -d --name hiprice-web -p 6100:6100 hiprice-web
// if you do not want to build image yourself, a default image is ready in use
docker container run -d --name hiprice-web -p 6100:6100 wf2030/hiprice-web:0.1.0
: listening host, default is0.0.0.0
: listening port, default is6100