
The easiest and the cleanest way to add some configuration variables to any ruby project.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


AwesomeConf is a really simple and powerful ruby gem built with performance in mind, it’s the easiest and the cleanest way to add some configuration variables to any ruby project.

It does almost nothing, it just give you the ability to create and use easily a configuration class for any of your ruby project.

It’s like an Hash but it’s not an Hash.

It’s like an OpenStruct but it’s not an OpenStruct, it’s faster.

It’s like a bird, but it’s not a bird.

AwesomeConf example

require 'awesome_conf'

ac = AwesomeConf.new(:key => 'value')
ac.key # => 'value'

Ok, nothing is magic here, it can be any easy ruby tricks returning the value of this hash, like using method_missing or using an OpenStruct. But this is not, it’s a real brand new method created dynamically returning a constant.

Why? For speed, and to be as faster as hash[:key] and two times faster than hash[‘key’] (at least using the classic ruby VM 1.8 and 1.9, with jRuby: hash is faster than everything !)

So to conclude, AwesomeConf is just an easy replacement of conf to conf.my_conf_variable without sacrificing performance. (benchmarks are available in the specs)

Other use cases:

AwesomeConf with YAML


AwesomeConf and strict mode

ac = AwesomeConf.new({:key => 'value'})
ac.key # => 'value'
ac.something_not_set # => nil

# After enabling the strict mode:

ac.something_not_set # Raise an exception

AwesomeConf with inheritance

class MyConfClass < AwesomeConf

  def initialize(an_hash)

  ... your_awesome_custom_methods ...


Copyright © 2010 Guillaume Luccisano - g-mai|: guillaume.luccisano, released under the MIT license