
Downloads images/videos from 4chan using Python3.6 or newer. Unicode support

Primary LanguagePython


Downloads images/videos from 4chan using Python3.6 or newer.

  • Supports original filenames.
  • Supports Unicode names.
  • Fast parallel download.
  • If no URL is passed as argument takes the URL from the clipboard.
  • Can download until 404.
  • Supports showing files when download finishes.
  • Supports HTTP and HTTPS links.
  • Tested with Windows 10 and Linux Ubuntu 18.04.


python3 ./4chandl.py --help
usage: 4chandl.py [-h] [--symlink-names] [--force-download]
                  [--after-action AFTER_ACTION] [--until-404]
                  [--retry-delay RETRY_DELAY] [--retries-max RETRIES_MAX]
                  [--save-html SAVE_HTML]
Downloads all media from a 4chan thread.
positional arguments:
  URL                   A link to the thread like https://boards.4chan.org/gif/thread/12891600/threadname
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --symlink-names       Creates a subdirectory 'symlinks' linking the parsed
                        original upload filenames with the numbered media
                        files (requires Admin on Windows)  
  --force-download      Downloads the media files again overwriting existing
  --after-action AFTER_ACTION
                        Can be SHOW_FILES
  --until-404           Keeps downloading all new media until the thread dies
                        or --retry-max is reached
  --retry-delay RETRY_DELAY
                        Delay in seconds in between download rounds. Combine
                        with --until-404. Default=120
  --retries-max RETRIES_MAX
                        Max retries before we give up, even if thread is not
                        404 yet. 0 = no limit. Combine with --until-404.
  --save-html SAVE_HTML
                        Save html file (just the raw thread file, no
                        dependencies). Default=True


You need python3 and python3-tk (e.g. sudo apt-get install python3.7 python3-tk)

On newer Windows 10 installs it is sufficient to install Python 3.9 from the Windows store and then packages urllib3 and certifi with pip install -r requirements.txt


Saves a thread.html, check with https://regex101.com/ if the imgReg regex in 4chandl.py is broken due to board changes.

Logfiles: Date, url, number of urls found, [original-filename-long-optional,url,filename-short]

Time: 2018-06-09 16:47:33.921037
Found 1 media urls

[('D71CBC8C-3CBE-4CCE-AE79-1A142C3DFC7C.jpg', '//is2.4chan.org/trv/1528553461662.jpg', 'D71CBC8C-3CBE-4CCE-AE79-1(...).jpg')]