
a python wrapper around pex-bootstrapped uWSGI

Primary LanguagePython


a python wrapper around pex-bootstrapped uWSGI

Build/Deploy Instructions

  1. uprev the right-most minor version in setup.py (the rest maps to the uwsgi version, e.g. '' is uwsgi 2.0.10 release 0; '' is uwsgi 2.0.10 release 1, etc)

  2. make the 'build_pydist' target and set your target python interpreter (defaults to 2.7):

    $ make build_pydist PYTHON=python2.6

  3. rename the egg to a platform specific name, e.g.

    $ mv -f pyuwsgi_pex-{,-linux-x86_64}.egg

  4. add the egg to your distribution server

  5. repeat for all permutations of python versions and platforms


  1. Due to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=483548#c4, you may need to apply the following include to uwsgi.h:334 if building on older centos5 machines:

    #include <linux/types.h>


    #ifdef UWSGI_CAP #include <linux/types.h> #include <sys/capability.h> #endif