
silly little 4-bit arch :3


uni04 (or uni.4) is a 4-bit architecture made for Alex's 4-bit arch challenge

There are 2 registers, X (accumulator), and Y

  v ALU
│  │ │ <- Registers
│  │ │
  ^ Control Unit


Opcode Instruction Arguments Description
00 imm reg con Immediate value
01 ldx adr Load adr into X
02 ldy adr Load adr into Y
03 ldi reg adr reg Indexed load
04 stx adr Store X into adr
05 sty adr Store Y into adr
06 mov reg reg Move value from reg1 to reg2
07 add reg reg reg1 += reg2
08 sub reg reg reg1 -= reg2
09 shr reg con Shift right reg by con
0A not reg Bitwise NOT on reg
0B nor reg con Bitwise NOR on reg by con
0C jmp adr Jump to adr
0D jmz adr Jump to adr if zero
0E cal adr Call subroutine
0F ret Return from subroutine

ASM syntax example

mov x y    // Hmmm comment
ldx 7      // meow :3
ldi x 21 a

As you can see instead of ; you use // and there is no , unlike most ASMs

Turning into opcode


x 0
y 1

mov x y = 06 00 01

imm x 8 = 00 00 08

Addreses (8-bit)

adr ##

ldx 16 = 01 0F

jmz 27 = 0D 1B


con #

nor x 1 = 0B 01 01