
This python script convert a given product dataset from CSV to Parquet.

We suppose there is a new dataset everyday. The script will output two parquet files separating the valid products from the invalid ones : product_catalog_valid.parquet and product_catalog_errors.parquet




python -f inputs/product_catalog.csv


The inital product dataset was concatenated to test the overwall script performance.

product_catalog.csv (1k products)
Execution time : 0.45s


product_catalog_200k.csv (~200k products)
Execution time : 8s


product_catalog_2m.csv (~2m products)
Execution time : 1min45s

I could not add product_catalog_200k.csv and product_catalog_2m.csv to the GIT repository because of GitHub's file size limit but the script can generate fake data on the fly.


I wrote two tests to ensure image validation and the overwall execution time of the script. More tests could be written (to check data type for instance)


Another solution could have been to directly use PySpark to ingest the CSV file, do the checks and write the parquet files. We could have then created a dedicated Dataproc cluster for the script. In the end, a DAG on Airflow would trigger a Dataproc cluster and the script everyday.


I would argue that in this case and considering the benchmark, it is best to implement the script in a Cloud function triggered each time a new dataset is uploaded in a bucket. This way, a dataset would be processed and available as soon as possible. Also the processing would be parallelized if there is a product dataset by provider/seller.

However, it would be necessary to switch to a PySpark script if the dataset exceed 10 millions of products (Cloud functions timeout after 9min)