Conference registration


  • Requires node and Docker / Docker Compose
  • Run npm start. You can access your running client on http://localhost:8090 and the API for this app at http://localhost:8091.


Refactor the HTML and CSS in frontend/App.vue to use components and dynamically filter data based on search criteria.

  • Your solution should have at least 5 components
  • All fields are required except the mailing list
  • You should implement validations for all fields
  • Any submission error messages should be displayed below the form
  • Any submission confirmation messages should be displayed in place of the form


You'll need to submit your form as a POST request to http://localhost:8091/registration. The content-type header should be set to application/json, The body should be a JSON-encoded object that looks like this:

  "registration": {
    "lastName": "Coberly",
    "email": "",
    "birthday": "2020-02-18",
    "shirtSize": "xl",
    "attendeeType": "attending",
    "mailingList": "yes"

If the registration is successful, it will return a 201 response in this format:

  "message": "Success! You are Kyle Coberly, your email address is, your shirt size is xl, and your birthday is 2020-02-18. Your attendee type is attending, and you do want to be added to our mailing list."

If the registration is not successful, it will return a 400 response in this format:

  "error": "Uh oh, it didn't work. I think your name is , your email address is , your shirt size is , and your birthday is . I think your attendee type is , and your mailing list choice is "

Here are the shirt sizes this app should support:

const shirtSizes = [{
  value: 's',
  label: 'Small',
}, {
  value: 'm',
  label: 'Small',
}, {
  value: 'l',
  label: 'Large',
}, {
  value: 'xl',
  label: 'XL',
}, {
  value: 'xxl',
  label: 'XXL',
}, {
  value: 'xxxl',
  label: 'XXXL',
}, {
  value: 'xxxxl',
  label: 'XXXXL',
}, {
  value: 'xxxxxl',
  label: 'XXXXXL',