Advent of Code 2019 Solutions

My solutions for Advent of Code 2019.

Currently using JavaScript.

Getting Started

Get started by installing the packages:

npm install


Run the tests using jest.

A single run:

npm run test

Or with with --watch:

npm run test-watch


Using eslint with airbnb rules.

Run the linter:

npm run lint

This will run eslint --fix which automatically fixes any issues it finds.

Project Structure

  • src/
    • lib/ - helper functions
    • day01/ - day 1 code
      • day01.test.js - tests for part1 and part 2 solutions
      • part1.js - code for the part1 solution
      • part2.js - code for the part 2 solution
      • solution.js - get the solutions using the actual input
    • day02/
    • day03/
    • etc…