
iOS app for playing Turing Machine game 🎲

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Turing Machine Game

An iOS app for playing Turing Machine game 🎲

API Documentation: Swagger UI / Redoc

Server Repository: kwsong0113/turing-machine-api


This project brings Turing Machine game - a competitive deduction board game where players strive to decipher a hidden code by skillfully interacting with a proto-computer - to your iOS device. It addresses the inconvenience of setting up the complex board game with many cards and sheets by simulating the game's components and mechanics within the app. Players can enjoy engaging in the game with others in real-time, facilitated by the server.


Built With

This iOS app is built with MVVM architecture using Swift and SwiftUI.

  • CocoaPods - Dependency Manager
  • SwiftLint / SwiftFormat - Swift Code Style and Formatting
  • Inject - Hot Reloading
  • Alamofire - HTTP Networking
  • WebSocket - Real-time Interactive Communication
  • Xcode Cloud - Continuous Deployment

Getting Started


pod install

Enable Hot Reloading

Environment Variables

At TuringMachine/secret.plist

  • API_ENDPOINT_URL - http://... or https://...


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.