
There's no place like ~

Primary LanguageLua


This is my collection of config files for *nix systems.

Linux Darwin
debian macos
Software Linux Darwin
Distro Debian Testing macOS Sonoma
WM sway Rectangle
Bar swaybar Übersicht + Pecan
Launcher j4-dmenu-desktop Spotlight
Screenshot grim screencapture
Terminal kitty iTerm2
Shell zsh + Oh My Zsh zsh + Oh My Zsh
Multiplexer tmux + Oh My Tmux tmux + Oh My Tmux
PDF Viewer zathura Skim
Editor Neovim Neovim

I basically live inside tmux, NeoVim and friends (ripgrep, fzf, ...) so a lot of config is in my Neovim config.


The install script installs all config files. It also takes care of Oh My Zsh, Oh My Tmux, and (if on Darwin) Pecan + Übersicht . You need to install some software manually (brew, zsh, NeoVim, Python3, NodeJS, ripgrep).

cd && git clone https://github.com/kwsp/dotfiles && cd dotfiles

Try the shell in Docker

The Dockerfile completely reproduces the CLI environment. NeoVim will attempt to install all plugins the first time you open it. Give it a shot :)

docker run --rm -it kwsp/dotfiles