
A sample to implement table-tree by mat-table and dynamic drawing charts with d3

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A sample to implement table-tree by mat-table and dynamic drawing charts with d3


Recently, I got my first formal frontend task to implement a tree-table by mat-table and to draw chart of detail row by d3.

The technologies involved included Angular, Material table, animation and d3, they were all new to me. I quickly picked up these skills with examples had been implemented by my colleagues.

But I still had doubts about some details, so I implemented this demo from zero and recorded the process in different branches.

view different code on those branches


create angular project, read data and initial page

key point:

  • use Angular-Cli to create project

  • get data asynchronously by HttpClient

    this.http.get() is synchronous, need work with subscribe

  • initial page with mat-card and mat-grid-list

    An mat-grid-list must specify a cols attribute which sets the number of columns in the grid. The height of the rows in a grid list can be set via the rowHeight attribute.


simple mat-table implement

key point:

  • start with <table mat-table>
  • dataSource provide data, passing a data array is the simplest way.
  • ng-container matColumnDef define the column templates, th mat-header-cell for header and td mat-cell for cell.
  • tr apply row data, tr mat-header-row apply for header row and tr mat-row apply for content row.
  • call "renderRows" to refresh page
import { ViewChild } from '@angular/core';


  @ViewChild(MatTable) table: MatTable<any>;





add child-rows by native table and expand child-rows by angular/animations

key point:

  • add angular/animations and define trigger for detailExpand
  • add childRow and bind set Click Event in parentRow
  • define childRow template by table embedded in the expandedDetail
  • bug: there are black lines between rows


expand child-row by updating dataSource


  • splice and ...

    this.dataSource.splice(i + 1, 0, ...rows)

  • deep copy



expand child-row and draw detail-chart by d3 and angular/animations

  • npm install d3

  • <div class="gia-chart-{{element['position']}}"></div> auto-map detail chart for every childRow.

  • bug: why the gia-chart-wrapper don't exist?

    need add multiTemplateDataRows property to mat-table

  • isChildRow is needed for detail-graph-row in html

  • deep copy data for repeat call createChart


add datepicker fix datapicker's position bug should set "prebuilt-themes" in styles.scss