
Exploit GNU Bash Env Command Injection via Google.

Primary LanguagePython


Exploit GNU Bash Env Command Injection via Google.


Version 2.1


Batch Exploit GNU Bash Env Command Injection base on Google. Version 2.1 

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -u URL           specific a single Target Url
  -d DORK          Custom Google Dork,Using Google Search to find targets
  -t THREAD_COUNT  thread count
  -c PAGE_COUNT    crawl google page count
  -e CMD           Command to Execute
  -p PROXY         proxy,support:socks4,socks5,http eg:

License, requests, etc: https://github.com/KxCode

kbash will print the status_code and url for each target responsed to exploitation.


For socks proxy support.

  1. Download Sockipy project from http://sourceforge.net/projects/socksipy/?source=directory.
  2. Copy the socks.py into the same directory as kbash.py