
Personal Gatsby blog:

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Dang it - A blog by Kien Dang

✍ Gatsby Blog

My blog is inspired by Dan Abramov's blog which is forked from the Gatsby Starter Blog by Kyle Matthews.

I loved the simplicity of Dan's blog and added a bunch of features below during my journey in learning React and Gatsby.

🔌 Features added to the starter blog

The starter blog didn't have the features that I was looking for so I did some research and found resources to guide me in adding the features below:

  1. Added extra pages

    Added about me and now page in Bio component by following Gatsby guide here

  2. Added reading time and tea icons

    Added number of teas based on the length of the blog post. Followed Gatsby documentation here

  3. Added tags page

    Followed Gatsby documentation here. Also added clickable tags on each post page by querying from GraphQL.

  4. Pagination

    Followed Gatsby documentation here. Gatsby starter blog had previous and next page but did not have pagination set-up, I also followed this guide here to complete pagination.

  5. Dark mode toggle

    Followed Gatsby blog tutorial here. Used <ThemeContext.Provider> in React to toggle dark and light mode with React Switch

  6. Added Font Awesome

    Added React Font Awesome using react-icons library, specifically for my Github and LinkedIn and Twitter logo.

  7. Prismjs

    To allow for code syntax highlighting based on language. Gatsby documentation here and followed external post here

  8. Added Algolia's Search

    Installed Algolia's search functionality. Instructions on how I did this on this blog here

  9. Added MDX support for blog posts

    Followed this guide here to integrate MDX which allows for React components in Markdown files.

Please feel free to fork this repo and make it your own!

Give me a tweet @ k1dang: I would love to see what other features are added and customized to this template blog!

🚀 Deployed on Netlify

Blog hosted on Netlify and deployed via link below:

Deploy to Netlify