
Daw server API

Primary LanguageKotlin


Daw server API-- The documentations of the API can be found inside the folder docs.

External API location:

Maven: https://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/maven-in-five-minutes.html

  • to compile: mvn clean
  • to compile: mvn compile
  • to run: mvn spring-boot:run

Next changes:

  • Add id and date to Comments;
  • When calling post project, we need to add something to add user_id using the get user in the authorization. That way ProjectIM doesnt need a user_id.
  • Allow to change issue.
  • When editing or creating a resource, we should return in the response body a representation of that created resource.
  • Make every method in core return OM objects, not the normal model classes. See ProjectCore.
  • Need to be: get projects by user id
  • Change DB table Comments to accept a creation_date collumn
  • Path in AssocIssueLabelController may be wrong


  • Projects:

    • Get all
    • Post
    • Delete
    • Get single
  • States:

    • Put : but when sended a list the list didnt replace the previous one, need to check on phase 2
    • Delete all
    • get all project states
  • Issues:

    • Not working

Things that we may need: