
MVT (Mobile Verification Toolkit https://github.com/mvt-project/mvt) - Indicators of Compromise for a jailbroken device (i.e., checkra1n with Cydia)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MVT (Mobile Verification Toolkit) - Indicators of Compromise for Jailbroken device (checkra1n with Cydia)

How to use

Edit the filenames.txt or processes.txt file with your desired indicators

Run python3 stix2-jailbreak.py

Copy or use the generated jailbreak.stix2

When using MVT with the provided STIX2 file, if something is found you should notice a WARNING in the output and a new file *_detected.

Warning. For educational purposes only.

The processes found in processes.txt where those that I found after running the MVT process on a jailbroken checkra1n device and uses Cydia.

The filenames.txt is a list of known file paths of processes and files found on a jailbroken device (not using MVT). The last three lines of filenames.txt is from indicators I found on a jailbroken checkra1n device and uses Cydia.