
Zendure SolarFlow - Bluetooth protocol

MIT LicenseMIT

Zendure SolarFlow

Please note this is work in progress. If you have more or better information feel free to create a pull request! Thanks!

The Zendure SolarFlow (https://eu.zendure.com/) is a controller and microinverter that can connect up to 2 solar panels (800W total) and output up to 1200W.

Manual: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0720/4379/0616/files/SolarFlow20230525_V8.pdf


Name : Smart PV Hub 1200 Controller

Model : ZDSPVH1200

Name: Add-on Battery AB1000

Battery model : ZDAB1000

In this posting I will detail how to communicate with the Zendure SolarFlow using Bluetooth (get a bluetooth enabled device and start gathering data). (Without a local account, mobile app or cloud account) "Some" privacy is ensured.

DISCLAIMER (progress at own risk! I can't be liable for any damage you do to the device!)

Zendure SolarFlow and Bluetooth

WARNING: This system includes no security. It is possible to read and write data to the system without any authentication. (It is probably safer to keep a constant connection to avoid someone else connecting to it!)

The Zendure SolarFlow has 2 services, one Notify and one to Write.

SERVICE          = "0000A002-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
UUID_READ_NOTIFY = "0000C305-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"
UUID_WRITE       = "0000C304-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"

The following is a sequence of requests made by the Zandure Application.

Reading settings/values from the Zendure SolarFLow

JSON Property Description
messageId LONG: This can be random, usually a timestamp is used
method STRING: This can be: error, report, getInfo, getInfo-rsp, read, read_reply, write, write_reply BLESPP, BLESPP_OK
success INT: Zero(0) is False and one(1) is True, used with write_reply, read (getAll)
deviceId STRING: Unique device id used to identify the replies when you have multiple SolarFlow devices
timestamp LONG: A timestamp (the device is not connected to the internet so it has no time tracking)
properties See properties tables
packData See packData table
JSON Property Description
properties This is used with method: report
["getAll"] It is used to get all the settings from the system.
JSON Property Description
properties These are used with method: report
packNum INT: Number of battery packs, 1,2,3,4
masterSwitch INT
electricLevel INT: Overall battery power status as a percentage (%) (e.g., If two packs then it will be ((A+B)/2), where A is the battery power from pack 1 and B is the battery power from pack 2.
wifiState INT: If WiFi is enabled (1) or disabled (0)
buzzerSwitch INT: This is the audible buzzer, enabled (1) or disabled (0)
socSet INT : Maximum battery charge set by the user (%), 90% shown as 900 (value/10)
solarInputPower INT: Input from Solar Panels (Wh)
packInputPower INT: How much energy is discharging from the batteries (Wh)
outputPackPower INT: The amount of energy sent to the batteries in total (Wh)
outputHomePower INT: Output from SolarFlow going to Home(microinverter) (Wh)
outputLimit INT: Limit set on SolarFlow on how much to send to Home(microinverter) (Wh)
inputLimit INT
remainOutTime INT: How much time is left until the batteries discharge to 0% at the current rate of discharge. (59940 seems to be a default value when not discharging)
remainInputTime INT: (59940 seems to be a default status)
packState INT : Status of the batteries. If zero(0) is not doing anything, one(1) is charging batteries, two(2) is discharging batteries
hubState INT
masterSoftVersion INT: Software version
masterhaerVersion INT
inputMode INT
blueOta INT
pvBrand INT
pass INT
minSoc INT (value/10): Minimum charge level that the batteries will go to. (They will discharge up to this amount) This is used to maintain the batteries in good health.
inverseMaxPower INT: Maximum power that the microinverter supports
autoModel INT
gridPower INT
smartMode INT
smartPower INT
JSON Property Description
packData These are used with method: report
sn INT: Battery Serial Number (can be found on the outside)
power INT: Current
socLevel INT : Current battery level (%)
state INT: A zero (0) means it is doing nothing, and a one(1) means it is charging, two (2) means it is discharging
maxTemp INT: The maximum temprature is calculated as follows ((maxTemp/10)-273.15) e.g. (2841/10)-273.15=10.95C. A better algorithm is ((maxTemp-2731)/10)
maxVol INT
minVol INT
totalVol INT
softVersion INT : Software version

Key: INT=an integer number, STRING=a long string of characters, LONG=a long number

Example communications:

I have anonymised a lot of the data in here. DEVICE_ID, UNIX_TIMESTAMP, DEVICE_SERIAL, BATTERY1_SN, BATTERY2_SN

If you receive this in Notify:


Then you can reply with the following:


Once BLESSP_OK is sent you can then start sending requests.

We can now send getInfo:

{"messageId": UNIX_TIMESTAMP,"method":"getInfo","timestamp": UNIX_TIMESTAMP}

And get a reply getInfo-rsp:


Next we can send a request to getAll information. (This will generate a number of notifications, so be ready to get lots of data):


First reply to getAll:


Next reply with the number of batteries and their serial numbers:


Master Switch, electric level and Wifi State:


If the buzzer is on, max battery level and energy from solar panels


Some energy values:


What an error looks like:


Output limit to send to the home, input limit and remaing OutTime


More examples:

{"method":"report","deviceId":"DEVICE_ID","properties":{},"packData":[{"totalVol": 1000,"maxVol":111,"minVol":111,"sn":"BATTERY1_SN"}]}

Writing settings/values to the Zendure SolarFLow

There is a way to write values to the Zendure SolarFlow. I will post this soon.