
A barebones iOS app to display the temperature for today and tomorrow.

Primary LanguageSwift

Two Days Weather

Weather App Icon

Local development

Two Days Weather uses Open Weather Map's forecast API. Sign up for a free API key and add Secrets.swift with:

let openWeatherMapAPIKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

Dev notes


  • Didn't use Storyboards for the app UI (just the launch screen). I've actually never done this with a UIKit app before, so that was interesting.

Data source

  • The app caches the 5-day forecast in 3-hour intervals from OpenWeather
    • "Today" is displayed as the temp at the next 3 hour time. "Tomorrow" is the temp at the current time of day, 24 hours from the current time.
    • The cache invalidates once per day. It should be made smarter by always defaulting to the cache and then opportunistically updating from the API.
    • It listens for significant location changes and re-fetches from the API.


  • All data is stored locally in Couchbase.
  • First time working with it. I'm probably not doing things very idiomatically.