
Square aspect ratio `.wh-*` size utility classes plugin for Tailwind css.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Square .wh-* size utility classes for Tailwind css. For when you want a DRY way to describe a square-sized element (profile image, close button, div container, etc.).

For Tailwind v1.0:

npm install --save-dev @ky-is/tailwindcss-plugin-width-height

For Tailwind v0.x:

npm install --save-dev @ky-is/tailwindcss-plugin-width-height@0


A circular avatar:

<img class="wh-16 rounded-full" />

Is equivalent to:

<img class="w-16 h-16 rounded-full" />


In your tailwind js configuration file:

  plugins: [
    require('@ky-is/tailwindcss-plugin-width-height')({ variants: ['responsive'] }),


  • variants (string[], optional): responsive, hover, focus, active, group-hover
  • sizes (object, optional): Custom sizes to generate (in the same format as width and height from your config file). If you don't provide this value, it defaults to the intersection of the width and height values from your config.