
Nice and tidy implementation of classical neural network for classification in tensorflow 2.0

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ResNets in Tensorflow 2.0 on CIFAR-10

Nice and tidy implementation of various neural networks for classification in tensorflow 2.0.
Everything in one place with results matching those reported in papers.

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  • tensorflow 2.0
  • tensorflow_datasets
  • tensorboard

Implemented models (in cifar versions only):

★ if pretrained weights are available and ☆ if not

From "Very Deep Convolutional Network for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
     "On Correlation of Features Extracted by Deep NeuralNetworks":
    ★ VGG11
    ★ VGG13
    ★ VGG16
    ★ VGG19

From "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition":
    ★ ResNet20
    ★ ResNet32
    ★ ResNet44
    ★ ResNet56
    ☆ ResNet110

From "Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks" (with preactivated layers):
    ★ ResNet110
    ★ ResNet164
    ★ ResNet1001
From "Wide Residual Networks":
    ☆ Wide ResNet-16-4
    ☆ Wide ResNet-40-4
    ☆ Wide ResNet-16-8
    ☆ Wide ResNet-28-10
Incoming in the near future:
    ☆ ResNeXt
★ if pretrained weights are available and ☆ if not

Except for them, there are general functions available which you can use to create ResNet for any dataset.

How to get keras models:

# ResNet110 v1
from Models.Resnets import cifar_resnet110
model = cifar_resnet20('original', shortcut_type='A')

# ResNet110 v2 pretrained
from Models.Resnets import cifar_resnet110
model = cifar_resnet110('preactivated', load_weights=True)

# ResNet164 pretrained
from Models.Resnets import cifar_resnet164
model = cifar_resnet164(load_weights=True)

They are ready to train or test with 'fit' method.

How to train:

  • Set experiments in experiments.yaml
  • Run using: python run_experiments.py
  • Open logs with tensorboard

Default training schedule:

Works well for ResNets v1 and v2

  • SGD with momentum 0.9
  • for iterations [0, 400) LR = 0.01 (warm-up)
  • for iterations [400, 32000) LR = 0.1
  • for iterations [32000, 48000) LR = 0.01
  • for iterations [48000, 64000) LR = 0.001
  • L2 regularization = 0.0001

Training ResNet110 v1 example:

module: 'Models.Resnets'      # .py file with models (required)
model: 'cifar_resnet110'      # function that creates model (required)
    block_type: 'original'    # original for Resnet v1, preactivated for Resnet v2
    shortcut_mode: 'A'        # A or B as in Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
    logdir: 'logs'            # folder for tensorboard (required)
    run_name: 'resnet110_v1'  # name of the run in tensorboard (required)
    log_interval: 400         # how often statistics are printed and saved to tensorboard
    val_interval: 4000        # how often validation on the test set is done
skip_error_test: False        # whether to skip a quick run before beginning the actual training

Note that not all parameters are required.

Training Wide ResNet-40-4 example:

module: 'Models.Resnets'
model: 'WRN_40_4'
model_parameters: {}
    logdir: 'logs'
    run_name: 'WRN_40_4'
    log_interval: 400
    val_interval: 4000
    lr_values: [0.1, 0.02, 0.004, 0.0008]
    lr_boundaries: [24000, 48000, 64000, 80000]
    nesterov: True

Comparision with results reported on CIFAR-10:

VGG Networks

architecture parameters reported best this repository
VGG11 9.2M 7.81 7.98
VGG13 9.4M 6.35 6.17
VGG16 14.7M 6.49 6.34
VGG19 20.0M 6.76 6.72

ResNets v1

architecture parameters reported best this repository
ResNet20 0.27M 8.75 7.99
ResNet32 0.46M 7.51 7.40
ResNet44 0.66M 7.17 6.83
ResNet56 0.85M 6.97 6.23
ResNet110 1.7M 6.43 6.26

ResNets v2

architecture parameters reported mean this repository
ResNet110 1.7M 6.37 5.98
ResNet164 1.7M 5.46 5.27
ResNet1001 10.3M 4.92 5.06

Wide ResNets

architecture parameters reported mean this repository
WRN-16-4 2.7M 5.02 ?
WRN-40-4 8.9M 4.53 4.46
WRN-16-8 11.0M 4.27 ?
WRN-28-10 36.5M 4.00 ?
+ dropout 36.5M 3.89 ?

Training curves

All training logs are available in saved_logs folder. You can open it with tensorboard and compare them with yours.


I did my best to make the implementation identical to the original one, however there are subtle differences in the training:

  • I use bigger L2 regularization for ResNets - 1e-4 instead of 5e-5
  • All networks are trained on 50.000 examples, whereas some papers use only 45.000 examples
  • I use warm-up iterations for all the networks, not only for ResNet-110 as in original paper