
ec2 Cost Calculator with Comparison

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ec2 Cost Calculator with Comparison

What's this?

ec5 is a local API server to estimate the cost of Amazon EC2 in response to a request of an instance type and its count that you plan to purchase. It reimplements On-Demand and Reserved cost calculations in a more programmable way.



  • JSON response
  • Comparison with On-Demand/Reserved costs at one time
  • Multiple currency(U.S. dollars or Japanese yen)


  1. Start an ec5 docker container.
$ docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 --name ec5 -it kyagi/ec5:latest
  1. Send GET request with an instance type and count.
➜ xh localhost:8000/t4g.small | jq -r '.on_demand[0]'
  "currency": "USD",
  "hourly": "0.0216",
  "per_day": "0.52",
  "per_month": "15.82",
  "per_week": "3.64",
  "per_year": "189.80",
  "quantity": "1"

➜ xh localhost:8000/t4g.small?count=3 | jq -r '.on_demand[0]'
  "currency": "USD",
  "hourly": "0.0648",
  "per_day": "1.56",
  "per_month": "47.46",
  "per_week": "10.92",
  "per_year": "569.40",
  "quantity": "3"

How to expand EC2 pricing data

400 Bad Request in response to your request means that the current pricing data does not cover an instance type you request.

➜ xh localhost:8000/m6a.48xlarge
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 69
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 10:43:37 GMT

Something goes wrong... Have you specified unavailable instance type?

In the above case, you can expand the pricing data, specifically ec2pricing.yaml file by yourself and build your own image to run in the following way.

  1. Clone the repository.
$ git clone git@github.com:kyagi/ec5.git
$ cd ec5
  1. Add entries to the pricing data file, then update InstanceType enum and FromStr trait accordingly.
➜ vi ec2pricing.yaml
➜ vi src/ec2pricing.rs 
  1. Build the customized image and run it.
➜ docker image build -t ec5:customized .
➜ docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 --name ec5-customized -it ec5:customized

Working examples

Filter response with jq

➜ xh localhost:8000/c6i.xlarge?count=14 | jq -cr '.on_demand[]|select(.currency == "USD")'

Convert response into tables with ec5 script (embedded in the repository)

➜ ./ec5 t4g.large
# OnDemand cost
  daily    monthly   annually    upfront       term    initial quantity
   2.07         62        755        n/a        n/a        n/a        1

# Reserved costs
  daily    monthly   annually    upfront       term    initial quantity
   1.31         39        478         No    OneYear          0        1
   1.24         37        452    Partial    OneYear        227        1
   1.22         37        445        All    OneYear        445        1
   0.90         27        328         No ThreeYears          0        1
   0.83         25        302    Partial ThreeYears        455        1
   0.78         23        284        All ThreeYears        855        1
➜ ./ec5 t4g.large 3
# OnDemand cost
  daily    monthly   annually    upfront       term    initial quantity
   6.21        188      2,266        n/a        n/a        n/a        3

# Reserved costs
  daily    monthly   annually    upfront       term    initial quantity
   3.93        119      1,434         No    OneYear          0        3
   3.72        113      1,357    Partial    OneYear        681        3
   3.66        111      1,335        All    OneYear      1,335        3
   2.70         82        985         No ThreeYears          0        3
   2.49         75        908    Partial ThreeYears      1,365        3
   2.34         71        854        All ThreeYears      2,565        3
➜ ./ec5 t4g.large 3 JPY
# OnDemand cost
  daily    monthly   annually    upfront       term    initial quantity
844.560     25,687    308,264        n/a        n/a        n/a        3

# Reserved costs
  daily    monthly   annually    upfront       term    initial quantity
534.480     16,258    195,085         No    OneYear          0        3
505.920     15,389    184,660    Partial    OneYear     92,616        3
497.760     15,140    181,682        All    OneYear    181,560        3
367.200     11,171    134,028         No ThreeYears          0        3
338.640     10,302    123,603    Partial ThreeYears    185,640        3
318.240      9,677    116,157        All ThreeYears    348,840        3