
A little taste of Applied Pi-Calculus specification in lambda-Prolog

Primary LanguageAMPL


A little taste of Applied Pi-Calculus specification in lambda-Prolog.

This repositoy demonstrates that the Abella prover (version 2.0.5-dev) is very much slower in executing lambda-Prolog specifications in comparison to the Teyjus lambda-Prolog compiler (version 2.0-b2).

The appi module (appi.sig and appi.mod files) defines the syntax and substitution predicates for an instance of Applied Pi-Calculs, which is comparable to the spi calculs, in lambda-Prolog code. The substitiution predicates are defined by higher-order mathcing, enjoing the advantages of higher-order logic programming style possible in lambda-Prolog.

With the Teyjus compiler, we can pleasently test small examples quries of substitituions within a blink of an eye. For example, the following quries of small substitution examples work as expected.

kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/appi-lprolog$ ~/github/teyjus/teyjus/tjcc appi.mod
kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/appi-lprolog$ ~/github/teyjus/teyjus/tjlink appi
kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/appi-lprolog$ rlwrap ~/github/teyjus/teyjus/tjsim appi
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[appi] ?- pi x\ pi m\ subst' x m (if (vr x) (vr x) zero zero) (if m m zero (par zero zero)).

no (more) solutions

[appi] ?- pi x\ pi m\ subst' x m (if (vr x) (vr x) zero zero) (if m m zero zero).


[appi] ?- subst' X M (if (vr X) (vr X) zero zero) N.

The answer substitution:
N = if M M zero zero
M = M
X = X

More solutions (y/n)? y

no (more) solutions

kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/appi-lprolog$ time (echo y | ~/github/teyjus/teyjus/tjsim appi -s "subst' X M (if (vr X) (vr X) zero zero) N.")

The answer substitution:
N = if M M zero zero
M = M
X = X

More solutions (y/n)? 
no (more) solutions

[appi] ?- 

real    0m0.004s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s

However, the Abella prover is incredibily slow to search proofs that corresponds to the above queries (the proof script appi.thm contains them). It takes more than 1 hour to run the proof script and I gave up wating for the result, even with CPU power of the HP Z440 workstation powered by Intel's Zeon processor with a lot of cores. I'm quite sure that it is not going into an infinite loop because when I cut down the syntax of the applied pi-calculus process, say leaving only zero and if processes, then it comes back in about 10 miniutes. Below is the console output of runing appi.thm with Abella. (Using the Query command is pretty much the same because it must be using pretty much the same inference enginge as the search tactic.)

kyagrd@kyagrd:~/github/kyagrd/appi-lprolog$ abella appi.thm
Welcome to Abella 2.0.5-dev
Abella < Specification "appi".
Reading specification "/home/kyagrd/github/kyagrd/appi-lprolog/./appi" (from "/home/kyagrd/github/kyagrd/appi-lprolog/.")

Abella < Theorem test_subst : 
forall x M, {subst x M (vr x) M}.

 forall x M, {subst x M (vr x) M}

test_subst < intros.

Variables: x M
 {subst x M (vr x) M}

test_subst < search.
Proof completed.
Abella < Theorem test_subst'_degenerate : 
forall x M, {subst' x M zero zero}.

 forall x M, {subst' x M zero zero}

test_subst'_degenerate < intros.

Variables: x M
 {subst' x M zero zero}

test_subst'_degenerate < search.
Proof completed.
Abella < Theorem test_subst' : 
forall x M, {subst' x M (if (vr x) (vr x) zero zero) (if M M zero zero)}.

 forall x M, {subst' x M (if (vr x) (vr x) zero zero) (if M M zero zero)}

test_subst' < intros.

Variables: x M
 {subst' x M (if (vr x) (vr x) zero zero) (if M M zero zero)}

test_subst' < search.
^CError: Interrupted (use Ctrl-D to quit)