
EIEN215 공업수학I Engineering Mathematics I

Primary LanguageMATLAB

EIEN233(02) Engineering Mathematics I

This is the course hompage of Engineering Mathematics I (공업수학I) in Spring 2016 at Korea University Sejong Campus. Since the lecture will be in English all course materials including Quiz and Exams are to be provided in English. You may write in Korean, as well as in English, for the answers to the homework, quiz, and exam questions. For office hours and to schedule an appointment, visit the instructor's hompeage http://kyagrd.github.io/ for further information.


  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics (5th ed. Int'l ed.) by Zill and Wright. ISBN 979-1-4496-8980-3. Jones & Bartlett.

Other materials for references


Homework should be handed over to the instructor when you come to class on the dute date. (If you are done earlier you are welcome to hand it over before the due date.)

  1. Due: next Friday (3/18) class.
  • Textbook p. 47 Exercise 20: Solve dy/dx = (xy + 2y - x - 2) / (xy - 3y + x - 3) by separation of variables.
  1. Due: next Friday (3/25) class.
  • Textbook p. 99 Exercise 8, p. 100 Exercise 30-(a).
  2. ** Due: Friday 6/10 class **
  • Textbook p. 296 Exercises 4, 6, 8
  • Plot 2 graphs for each problem with the data generated by the RK4 method, one graph with h=0.1 and the other with h=0.05.
  • Use http://octave-online.net/ or loally instaleld Octave (or Matlab if you have a license)
  • Turn in screenshots of 6 graphs. ...


Nowadays We have much more effective computing tools than just using pencil and paper, especially for solving differential equations. We still need to understand the basic underlying principles, but once we have understood the principles use of the appropriate computing tools greatly expedite finding a solution to mathematical problems. You could use MATLAB, Mathematica, or Maple if you have a license. However, there are also free, open source, and web-interfaced software that does the job and some of them are becoming mature as they gain popularity among users. Here are some of those freely aviliable software that could be helpful for this course