
Get slopes of all CSV files (X and y) in a directory

Primary LanguagePython


Script that takes a directory full of CSV files and finds the slopes of the data in that CSV file.


- Pass in the path to a directory including the csv files
- Pass in the name of a csv file to include all the file:slope pairs

How to Use:

- make sure python3 is installed
- install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- call script: 'python3 csv_to_slopes.py 
	--output [NAME OF OUTPUT FILE] 
	--verbose [BOOLEAN]'
- Example: 'python3 csv_to_slopes.py --path /Users/admin/Desktop/meilincsv/csv --output file_and_slopes'
- for help: 'python3 csv_to_slopes.py --help'