
Primary LanguageSwift

Basic Yelp client

This is a headless example of how to implement an OAuth 1.0a Yelp API client. The Yelp API provides an application token that allows applications to make unauthenticated requests to their search API.

Next steps

  • Check out BusinessesViewController.swift to see how to use the Business model.

Sample request

Basic search with query

Business.searchWithTerm("Thai", completion: { (businesses: [Business]!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
    self.businesses = businesses
    for business in businesses {

Advanced search with categories, sort, and deal filters

Business.searchWithTerm("Restaurants", sort: .Distance, categories: ["asianfusion", "burgers"], deals: true) { (businesses: [Business]!, error: NSError!) -> Void in

    for business in businesses {

Project 3 - Yelp

Name of your app is a Yelp search app using the Yelp API.

Time spent: 2 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • Table rows for search results should be dynamic height according to the content height.
  • Custom cells should have the proper Auto Layout constraints.
  • Search bar should be in the navigation bar (doesn't have to expand to show location like the real Yelp app does).

The following optional features are implemented:

  • Search results page
    • Infinite scroll for restaurant results.
    • Implement map view of restaurant results.
  • Implement the restaurant detail page.

The following additional features are implemented:

  • List anything else that you can get done to improve the app functionality!

Please list two areas of the assignment you'd like to discuss further with your peers during the next class (examples include better ways to implement something, how to extend your app in certain ways, etc):

  1. adding more things to navigationItem
  2. constraints in code

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.


Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.


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