
Implementation of the paper: "BRAVE : Broadening the visual encoding of vision-language models"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


BRAVE or Swarms of Vision Transformers

Implementation of the paper: "BRAVE : Broadening the visual encoding of vision-language models". BRAVE achieves state-of-the-art performance on a broad range of captioning and VQA benchmarks and significantly reduces the aforementioned issues of VLMs, while requiring a smaller number of trainable parameters than existing methods and having a more compressed representation.


pip3 install brave-torch


pip3 install brave-torch


  • A fully ready to train LLM with the Swarm of Vits + MEQFormer
import torch  # Importing the torch library
from brave_torch.llm import LLM  # Importing the LLM class from brave_torch.llm module

x = torch.randint(0, 256, (1, 1000))  # Generating a random tensor 'x' with values between 0 and 256

img = torch.randn(1, 3, 256, 256)  # Generating a random image tensor 'img' with shape (1, 3, 256, 256)

model = LLM(
    dim=512,  # Dimension of the model
    depth=1,  # Depth of the model
    num_tokens=256,  # Number of tokens
    dim_head=64,  # Dimension of the attention head
    heads=8,  # Number of attention heads
    ff_mult=4,  # Multiplier for the feed-forward network dimension
    image_size=256,  # Size of the input image
    patch_size=32,  # Size of the image patch
    encoder_dim=512,  # Dimension of the encoder
    encoder_depth=6,  # Depth of the encoder
    encoder_heads=8,  # Number of attention heads in the encoder
    num_of_vits=4,  # Number of ViTs (Vision Transformers)

out = model(x, img)  # Forward pass through the model
print(out.shape)  # Printing the shape of the output tensor


  • The Swarm of ViTs coupled with the meqformer
import torch  # Importing the torch library for deep learning operations
from brave_torch.main import (
)  # Importing the BraveMultiModalFusion class from brave_torch.main module

x = torch.randn(
    1, 1000, 512
)  # Generating a random tensor of shape (1, 1000, 512) using torch.randn
img = torch.randn(
    1, 3, 256, 256
)  # Generating a random tensor of shape (1, 3, 256, 256) using torch.randn

model = BraveMultiModalFusion(
    dim=512,  # Dimension of the model
    mult=4,  # Multiplier for the dimension
    depth=1,  # Depth of the model
    dropout=0.1,  # Dropout rate
    heads=8,  # Number of attention heads
    image_size=256,  # Size of the input image
    patch_size=32,  # Size of the image patches
    encoder_dim=512,  # Dimension of the encoder
    encoder_depth=6,  # Depth of the encoder
    encoder_heads=8,  # Number of attention heads in the encoder
    num_of_vits=4,  # Number of ViTs (Vision Transformers)

out = model(
    x, img
)  # Forward pass through the model to get the output
print(out)  # Printing the output



  • Citation link
  • Citation Bibtex
  • Diagram photo
  • Implement Andromeda Base LLM architecture
  • Provide multi-modal tokenizer
  • Train and release the model