
The Next Generation Multi-Modality Superintelligence

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Kosmos-X: Advanced Multi-Modality AI Model 🚀🌌

Kosmos-X Next Generation Multi-Modality AI Model

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pip3 install --upgrade kosmosx


import torch
from kosmosx.model import Kosmos

# Create a sample text token tensor
text_tokens = torch.randint(0, 32002, (1, 50), dtype=torch.long)

# Create a sample image tensor
images = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)

# Instantiate the model
model = Kosmos()

text_tokens = text_tokens.long()

# Pass the sample tensors to the model's forward function
output = model.forward(

# Print the output from the model
print(f"Output: {output}")


Establish your configuration with: accelerate config then: accelerate launch train.py

The model

KOSMOS-1 uses a decoder-only Transformer architecture based on Magneto (Foundation Transformers), i.e. an architecture that employs a so called sub-LN approach where layer normilization is added both before the attention module (pre-ln) and afterwards (post-ln) combining the advantages that either approaches have for language modelling and image understanding respectively. The model is also initialized according to a specific metric also described in the paper, allowing for more stable training at higher learning rates.

They encode images to image features using a CLIP VIT-L/14 model and use a perceiver resampler introduced in Flamingo to pool the image features from 256 -> 64 tokens. The image features are combined with the token embeddings by adding them to the input sequence surrounded by special tokens <image> and </image>. An example is <s> <image> image_features </image> text </s>. This allows image(s) to be interwoven with text in the same sequence.

We follow the hyperparameters described in the paper visible in the following image:

KOSMOS-1 Hyperparameters


Model (decoder)

We use the torchscale implementation of the decoder-only Transformer architecture from Foundation Transformers:

from torchscale.architecture.config import DecoderConfig
from torchscale.architecture.decoder import Decoder

config = DecoderConfig(
    subln=True,                 # sub-LN approach
    xpos_rel_pos=True,          # rotary positional embeddings
decoder = Decoder(


For the image model (CLIP VIT-L/14) we use a pretrained OpenClip model:

from transformers import CLIPModel
clip_model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained("laion/CLIP-ViT-L-14-laion2B-s32B-b82K").vision_model
# projects image to [batch_size, 256, 1024]
features = clip_model(pixel_values=images)["last_hidden_state"]

Perceiver Resampler

We follow the default hyperparams for the perceiver resampler as no hyperparams are given in the paper:

from flamingo_pytorch import PerceiverResampler
perceiver = PerceiverResampler(
    dim = 1024,
    depth = 2,
    dim_head = 64,
    heads = 8,
    num_latents = 64,
    num_media_embeds = 256
# projects image features to [batch_size, 64, 1024]

Because the model expects a hidden dimension of 2048, we use a nn.Linear layer to project the image features to the correct dimension and initialize it according to Magneto's initialization scheme:

image_proj = torch.nn.Linear(1024, 2048, bias=False)
    image_proj.weight, mean=0, std=2048**-0.5
scaled_image_features = image_proj(image_features)


The paper describes a SentencePiece with a vocabulary of 64007 tokens. For simplicity (as we don't have the training corpus available), we use the next best open-source alternative which is the pretrained T5-large tokenizer from HuggingFace. This tokenizer has a vocabulary of 32002 tokens.

from transformers import T5Tokenizer
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(
    additional_special_tokens=["<image>", "</image>"],
    model_max_length=1984 # 2048 - 64 (image features)

We then embed the tokens with a nn.Embedding layer. We actually use a bnb.nn.Embedding from bitandbytes which allows us to use 8-bit AdamW later.

import bitsandbytes as bnb
embed = bnb.nn.Embedding(
    32002,          # Num embeddings
    2048,           # Embedding dim

For positional embeddings, we use:

from torchscale.component.embedding import PositionalEmbedding
embed_positions= PositionalEmbedding(
    2048,           # Num embeddings
    2048,           # Embedding dim

Also, we add an output projection layer to project the hidden dimension to the vocabulary size and initialize it according to Magneto's initialization scheme:

output_projection = torch.nn.Linear(
    2048, 32002, bias=False
    output_projection.weight, mean=0, std=2048**-0.5

Decoder changes

I had to make some slight changes to the decoder to allow it to accept already embedded features in the forward pass. This was necessary to allow the more complex input sequence described above. The changes are visible in the following diff in line 391 of torchscale/architecture/decoder.py:

+if kwargs.get("passed_x", None) is None:
+    x, _ = self.forward_embedding(
+        prev_output_tokens, token_embeddings, incremental_state
+    )
+    x = kwargs["passed_x"]

-x, _ = self.forward_embedding(
-    prev_output_tokens, token_embeddings, incremental_state

Dataset Strategy

Here is a markdown table with metadata for the datasets mentioned in the paper:

Dataset Description Size Link
The Pile Diverse English text corpus 800 GB Huggingface
Common Crawl Web crawl data - Common Crawl
LAION-400M Image-text pairs from Common Crawl 400M pairs Huggingface
LAION-2B Image-text pairs from Common Crawl 2B pairs ArXiv
COYO Image-text pairs from Common Crawl 700M pairs Github
Conceptual Captions Image-alt text pairs 15M pairs ArXiv
Interleaved CC Data Text and images from Common Crawl 71M docs Custom dataset
StoryCloze Commonsense reasoning 16k examples ACL Anthology
HellaSwag Commonsense NLI 70k examples ArXiv
Winograd Schema Word ambiguity 273 examples PKRR 2012
Winogrande Word ambiguity 1.7k examples AAAI 2020
PIQA Physical commonsense QA 16k examples AAAI 2020
BoolQ QA 15k examples ACL 2019
CB Natural language inference 250 examples Sinn und Bedeutung 2019
COPA Causal reasoning 1k examples AAAI Spring Symposium 2011
RelativeSize Commonsense reasoning 486 pairs ArXiv 2016
MemoryColor Commonsense reasoning 720 examples ArXiv 2021
ColorTerms Commonsense reasoning 320 examples ACL 2012
IQ Test Nonverbal reasoning 50 examples Custom dataset
COCO Captions Image captioning 413k images PAMI 2015
Flickr30k Image captioning 31k images TACL 2014
VQAv2 Visual QA 1M QA pairs CVPR 2017
VizWiz Visual QA 31k QA pairs CVPR 2018
WebSRC Web QA 1.4k examples EMNLP 2021
ImageNet Image classification 1.28M images CVPR 2009
CUB Image classification 200 bird species TOG 2011


  • Implement tokenizer for multi-modal processing
  • Refactor training script
  • Train 7B
