
This repository contains some AWS CDK projects implemented for demo.

Primary LanguagePython

CDK Examples

githubactions travisci

This repository contains some AWS CDK (v2) projects implemented for demo.

Install CDK v2:

npm install -g aws-cdk

Examples in Python

Example Description
cdk-blank-python Deploy blank_python (aws-xray-sdk with a Lambda layer and a dummy Lambda function using the layer), include unit tests and invoke-lambda test.
cdk-lambda-layer-datetimenow Deploy a Lambda layer and a dummy Lambda function using the layer, include invoke-lambda test.
cdk-lambda-set-cloudwatch-loggroup-retention/ Deploy a Lambda functin and event rule to set CW loggroups retention, include invoke-lambda test.
kyhau/have-a-smile Deploy a Lambda function that calls APIs of DevOps Reactions, Dilbert and xkcd.
kyhau/slack-command-app-cdk Deploy a Slack App/Bot with AWS API Gateway and Lambda Functions