Input HTTP plugin for Embulk. Fetch data via HTTP.
Run this command with your embulk binary.
$ embulk gem install embulk-input-http
Specify in your config.yml file.
type: http
url: http://express.heartrails.com/api/json
- {name: method, value: getStations}
- {name: x, value: 135.0}
- {name: y, value: "{30..35}.0", expand: true}
method: get
- type: specify this plugin as http
- url: base url something like api (required)
- params: pair of name/value to specify query parameter (optional)
- pager: configuration to parameterize paging (optional)
- method: http method, get is used by default (optional)
- user_agent: the usrr agent to specify request header (optional)
- request_headers: the extra request headers as key-value (optional)
- charset: charset to specify request header (optional, default: utf8)
- basic_auth: username/password for basic authentication (optional)
- open_timeout: timeout msec to open connection (optional, default: 2000)
- read_timeout: timeout msec to read content via http (optional, default: 10000)
- max_retries: max number of retry request if failed (optional, default: 5)
- retry_interval: interval msec to retry max (optional, default: 10000)
- request_interval: wait msec before each requests (optional, default: 0)
- interval_includes_response_time: yes/no, if yes and you set request_interval, response time will be included in interval for next request (optional, default: no)
- input_direct: If false, dumps content to temp file first, to avoid read timeout due to process large data while dowoloading from remote (optional, default: true)
Brace expansion style in 'params'
In params section, you can specify also multilple requests by using values or brace expansion style with set expand true.
The configuration using values is as below:
- {name: id, values: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]}
- {name: name, values: ["John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"], expand: true}
Also You can rewrite this configuration by using brace expansion style like as follows:
- {name: id, value "{5,4,3,2,1}", expand: true}
- {name: name, value "{John,Paul,George,Ringo}", expand: true}
Then all patterns of query will be called in a defferent request.
By default, expand is false. In this case, all values will be multiple params in one request.
Use basic authentication
You can specify username/password for basic authentication.
user: MyUser
password: MyPassword
Paging by 'pager'
You can configure request parameters for paging requests, like as follows:
type: http
url: http://express.heartrails.com/api/json
pager: {from_param: from, to_param: to, start: 1, step: 1000, pages: 10}
Properties of pager is as below:
- from_param: parameter name of 'from' index
- to_param: parameter name of 'to' index (optional)
- pages: total page size
- start: first index number (optional, 0 is used by default)
- step: size to increment (optional, 1 is used by default)
Examples of 'pager'
Conbination of from/to parameters.
pager: {from_param: from, to_param: to, pages: 4, start: 1, step: 10}
the request parameters will be:
- ?from=1&to=10
- ?from=11&to=20
- ?from=21&to=30
- ?from=31&to=40
Batch request with incremental page parameter.
- {name: size, value: 100}
pager: {from_param: page, pages: 4, start: 1, step: 1}
the request parameters will be:
- ?page=1&size=100
- ?page=2&size=100
- ?page=3&size=100
- ?page=4&size=100
Fetch json via http api
type: http
url: http://express.heartrails.com/api/json
- {name: method, value: getStations}
- {name: x, value: 135.0}
- {name: y, value: "{35,34,33,32,31}.0", expand: true}
request_headers: {X-Some-Key1: some-value1, X-Some-key2: some-value2}
type: json
root: $.response.station
- {name: name, type: string}
- {name: next, type: string}
- {name: prev, type: string}
- {name: distance, type: string}
- {name: lat, type: double, path: x}
- {name: lng, type: double, path: y}
- {name: line, type: string}
- {name: postal, type: string}
Fetch csv
type: http
- {name: y, value: "{35,34,33,32,31}.0", expand: true}
charset: UTF-8
newline: CRLF
type: csv
delimiter: ','
quote: '"'
escape: ''
skip_header_lines: 1
- {name: id, type: long}
- {name: account, type: long}
- {name: time, type: timestamp, format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'}
- {name: purchase, type: timestamp, format: '%Y%m%d'}
- {name: comment, type: string}
- HTTP-proxy
- Guess