About Kukushka SDK

Kukushka SDK makes it easy to give players survey tasks followed by a reward. The SDK can be installed and set up in minutes.

This version is designed for the Unity game engine. Other versions of the SDK can be found below:

iOS SDK can be found here

Android SDK can be found here


This SDK requires Unity 2018.4+ and provided only for Android and iOS games.

  • Android 5+ supported;
  • iOS 7+ supported;

Get Started

Automatic installation and Setup steps:

  1. Download latest version of SDK from Releases page or directly from this repository;
  2. Add .unitypackage file to your project;
  3. Open setup wizard using "Kykyshka SDK" => "Setup Wizard" window;
  4. Type your App Key in the Setup Wizard;
  5. Open Example scene and build your Android or iOS application;
  6. Enjoy!

Manual SDK setup in your project:
Create your game script and initialize SDK by creating object:

Kykyshka sdkInstance = new Kykyshka(new SDKOptions
    DebugMode = true,               // Debug Mode — when active will always display a demo survey regardless of AppKey, UserID, your geo etc. Useful for testing
    AppKey = "gamedemo",            // Application Key
    UserID = "demouserid"           // User ID

Pro tip: test your integrations with DebugMode = true to immediately see how the game would behave with an active survey

Also you can set custom UserID for your game by SetUserID method:


SDK Usage:
Now you can call two main methods of Kykyshka SDK to preload and show Survey for user:

sdkInstance.HasSurvey();    // To Check and Preload Available Survey for this user
sdkInstance.ShowSurvey();   // To Show Survey for user

SDK Callbacks:
Kukushka SDK has a lot of different Callbacks for your game. Use this callbacks to detect Survey Complete or problems with loading.

Callback Parameters Usage
OnSurveyStart - Called when user started survey
OnSurveyAvailable - Called after preloading if surveys available
OnSurveyUnavailable - Called after preloading if surveys unavailable
OnSuccess int Called when user complete survey. If a passed parameter is 1, the user was screened out by screening questions
OnFail SurveyResult or null Called when user got error in the survey. May contain additional data.
OnLoadFail - Called when Survey has loading error
OnError - On General SDK Errors Callback

Callbacks Example:

// Add Survey Callbacks
sdkInstance.OnSurveyStart = () =>
    // Called when user started survey
sdkInstance.OnSuccess = hq =>
    // Called when user complete survey
	//Debug.Log((hq==1) "Screened out" : "Survey complete!")
sdkInstance.OnFail = data =>
    // Called when user got error in the survey
sdkInstance.OnLoadFail = () =>
    // Called when Survey has loading error 
// Add Preloading Callbacks
sdkInstance.OnSurveyAvailable = () =>
    // Called after preloading if surveys available
sdkInstance.OnSurveyUnavailable = () =>
    // Called after preloading if surveys unavailable

Screen Orientation

Please, note: Currently version of Kukushka SDK supports only Portrait orientation and your game orientation will be force changed to Portrait at Survey opening and returned to last orientation after Survey closed.

Third-Party Modules

Kukushka SDK uses WebView module to show Survey Window for your users.

This module provided by Third-Party Open-Source Library and can be found here: