This repository contains an educational example of using multiple OpenAI ChatGPT instances in conjunction to solve problems. The script demonstrates a hierarchical approach, where each ChatGPT instance plays a specific role to break down and execute tasks.

Primary LanguagePython

Goal Completion Bot (GCB)

A powerful task management system that leverages GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to create a multi-layered, tree-structured AI task management system. This system allows you to break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks, which are executed and verified by multiple GPT instances organized in a tree data structure.

Repository Structure

The repository consists of two main files:


The entry point of the GCB system.


contains the GPTNode class, which represents a GPT instance with tree-like properties.

GPTNode Class

The GPT.py file contains the GPTNode class, which initializes a text-davinci-002 instance and has similarities to a tree or graph node. These similarities include keeping track of parent and child instances of the same class. The node has a state that tracks the progress of the task to be completed.

The GPTNode class has the following primary attributes:

parent: A reference to the parent GPTNode instance. children: A list of child GPTNode instances. state: The current state of the node, tracking the progress of the task.


The following is a detailed description of the GCB workflow using the provided example:

Initialize master node:

A single master GPTNode is created with a goal, e.g., "create a personal blog with photos of cats and written articles about creating AI and host it locally".

Task decomposition:

The master node breaks down the goal into subtasks.

Spawn executor and verifier nodes:

The master node creates two new GPTNode instances for each subtask - an executor node and a verifier node. The executor node is given the subtask, while the verifier node is given instructions on how to verify the task is completed. The verifier node is added as a child of the executor node.

Create the tree:

The process continues recursively, building a tree of GPTNode instances until all subtasks have been assigned.

Execute subtasks:

Leaf nodes begin by writing Python code to solve their tasks. Nodes labeled as executors are executed first.

Verify subtasks:

Verifier nodes wait for their executor neighbors to finish before verifying the tasks. If a task is not completed, the verifier node creates debugging tasks and spawns its own subtree to address the issue.

Result aggregation:

Once all tasks have been completed and verified, the results are aggregated and returned to the user.