
PHP Chatbot Library 🐱‍👓

Primary LanguagePHP


Zaroc - PHP Chatbot Library

¡A Simpler Solution to Complex Chatbots Backends!
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Welcome to Zaroc, the library that allows you to fastly build chatbots in Dialogflow with PHP




🚀Getting Started

Get Started with this Video or Read the Instructions below

  • Download the Core Folder Here
  • Download the Core, Vendor and Chatbot Example Folder Here
  • Zaroc will be the Root Folder (Core, Vendor and Chatbot Example Folder have the correct structure)

Put it on the same folder

  • Check that your bot is requiring the Library Correctly

Check that your bot is requiring the Library Correctly

  • Go into Bot Variables and Change its Password and Name, check then that these variables are inside the AUTH function on the Bots Core File

Go into Bot Variables and Change its Password and Name

  • Go to Dialogflow's fullfillment and connect the Bot VIA Webhook. Putting your path to the Bot's Core File. Remember to put chatbotName and chatbotPassword in the Basic Auth

Go to Dialogflow's fullfillment and connect the Bot VIA Webhook. Putting your path to the Bot's Core File. Remember to put chatbotName and chatbotPassword in the Basic Auth

  • Create Test Intent in Dialogflow and use the test Intention Example that the bot has

Go into Bot Variables and Change its Password and Name

  • Test It

Go into Bot Variables and Change its Password and Name

Now you are done!

For Integrations, basic and Advanced topics, check the Summary


🚩Understanding the Dialogflow Language

  • Dialogflow Comunicates Throught JSON, It sends a JSON to your server and you can do whatever you what.
  • But you must have to keep an structure Structure predefined by Zaroc (If you put a semicolon, a comma or something more where should not be, your backend wont work)
  • There are many ways to translate what it is saying and talking its own language
  • Zaroc Comunicates with Dialogflow Throught WebService (It's like an API)
  • Zaroc It's Builded in Blocks and Templates that lets you build creatively what you would like to see in Dialogflow's Response
  • Also Offers You Examples to do Database, API Stuff, and some another amazing functions that will let you build faster
  • There are lot of ways to achieve what you are looking for, but Zaroc its a simpler solution to Dialogflow's Complex Backends and Activities

🤖How Zaroc Works

  • Zaroc Takes a Dialogflow's JSON response, and parse It (E.I Get an Intent)
  • Zaroc Responses with it's built templates to Dialogflow (E.I the response that the user who trigered the intent will get)
  • Dialogflow Parse the response and shows the result


  • Why Blocks? Blocks are designed as a Security and Easy Way to build. Remember that we have to keep an Specific Structure, Don't change it or you will get a headache
  • Blocks are just a litle part of the Zaroc Arquitecture
  • What should be a block? A block should be a specific, litle and reusable structure, For Example: A Facebook Button, A WhatsApp Paragraph, A Web Image. So never touch it's structure
  • Blocks can be put it together to build Templates


  • Why Templates Templates are ways to make a reusable structures. For example, Text and Image, Image and Cards.
  • As a second explanations, Templates are groups of blocks built in harmony
  • So, I can do my own Templates? Yes, but remember to maintain the structure. You will find a section below where you will see how yo Create It


  • Why Variables? We are using PHP, we are at Backend, Why not use it if makes our lives easier?
  • There are prebuilt variables that will help you with your Chatbot Development (I.E Colors)

🌳Built-In Functions

  • Why Functions? Same as Variables, Help you at doing all things easily (Cathing Variables, Getting Information, Getting Dates, Formating Whatever you want)

💾Database Connection

🎈API Examples


Incomming Changes

  • getSessionID (Retrieves Session ID from the conversation).
  • SM Constructor and Templates will be splitted in Telegram and Facebook respectively.
  • Universal Constructor (DM, SM, WS).
  • Telegram Vertical Buttons, Request userInfo Button.
  • Readable structure of Chatbot Base File and Zaroc.


  • WS WhatsApp blocks and Templates Added
  • getWhatsappPhoneNumber Function implemented WS Only (Retrieves userPhone Number)
  • Zaroc now has a Modular Arquitecture (Makes easy to read and understand)
  • First Look of Documentation Implemented
  • getTelegramChatId Function implemented TG Only (Retrieves chatId Number)


  • Universal Constructor and Template Implemented (DM and SM)
  • Revamped Arquitecture (Build now by Multidimensional Arrays)
  • API examples Added (For Request use GuzzleHTTP Library)
  • More basic Variables added (Colors, Imgs, etc)


  • SM Facebook Messenger and Telegram, Blocks and Templates Added.
  • Revamped Architecture (Built now by Arrays)
  • Multiblocks with less code
  • Database Examples Added


  • Webservice Functions Added
  • DM Dialogflow Messenger Blocks Added
  • Constructor and Templates Added
  • Arquitecture built by Strings


🙌How to Colaborate

  • Tell me your Ideas, and how do you can colaborate
  • Mail me Here

😁People Who colaborate on Zaroc