
Implementation of Deformation Transfer for Triangle Meshes by Sumner, Popovic and related tools.

Primary LanguageC++

Implemented in C++ using CGAL and Eigen.

Project Organization

The project consists of two parts:

Correspondence Tool

A tool for specifying initial vertex correspondences between the source and target meshes.


A tool to transfer the deformation of the source mesh to the target mesh using the initial correspondences specified in the correspondence tool.


Correspondence Tool
./corrtool [source_mesh] [target_mesh] [ouput_path]
  • source_mesh - Path to the source mesh
  • target_mesh - Path to the target mesh
  • output_path - Path to the output file. If it already exists, existing correspondences will be loaded.
./transfer [source_ref_mesh] [source_deform_mesh] [target_ref_mesh] [vert_corr] [ouput_path]
  • source_ref_mesh - Path to the reference source mesh
  • source_deform_mesh - Path to the deformed source mesh
  • target_ref_mesh - Path to the reference target mesh
  • vert_corr - Path to the vertex correspondence
  • output_path - Path to the output file