
Wrapper for jq that parses yaml and passes it along to jq

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Utility that wraps jq. All it does is decode yaml and passes it along to jq.

Note: These packages do not force you to have jq (at least not yet)

Bigger Note: So far this is just a hacky script. Expect issues.

Build .rpm

python setup.py bdist_rpm

Test .rpm

cd dist
rpm -ivh yq<version>.noarch.rpm

Install with pip (why not?)

pip install git+git://github.com/kyle-long/yq.git@master


Should be the same as jq. Here are some examples.

# pretty print as yaml
cat test.yaml | yq -r .

# pretty print as yaml again
yq -r . test.yaml

# select just the property `blah`
yq -r .blah test.yaml

This will output YAML. If you'd like JSON returned you can provide the -j or --json options.

yq -j -r . test.yaml