*** Required Props ***

  • menu: The menu component

*** Optional Props (See ./example for usage) ***

  • targetOffset: How far from the edge before responding to gestures
  • disableGestures: disable swipe to show/hide
  • onChange:(isOpen)=>{}
  • direction: "left" or "right"
  • style: The style of the menu
  • width: The width of the menu
  • value: Optional Animated.Value(0) used to link animations inline with menu

*** Functions ***

  • ref.close()
  • ref.open()

Minimal Example

import SideMenu = from 'react-native-simple-drawer';
    render() {
        const menu = (
            <View style={{padding:10}}>
        return (
                    <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.refs.menu.open()}>
                        <Text>Toggle Menu</Text>