
This repo houses the script that allows you to install Modmail. You will need to have already installed python 3.7 and pip for python 3.7

Getting started

Run the following commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install software-properties-common python3.7 python3-pip git -y

Once you've done that, run the script by making it executable and then running it: chmod +x ./ && ./

Installation should complete without a hitch.

Starting the bot and log-viewer

To start the bot, cd into the modmail folder and run: pipenv run python3.7 To start the log viewer, cd into the logviewer folder and run: pipenv run python3.7

You may wish to add these as startup scripts or run them inside of screen, as closing out your terminal window will kill these scripts and make your bot and log viewer go offline.