
Conway's Game of Life simulation and animation in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • Authored by Kyle Clark - kyleaclark.com
  • Run application as a text game or simulated animation

Game of Life


  • Game of Life is similar to Game of Thrones, except they're not really the same.
  • Game of Life was created by mathematician John Conway in 1970 as a way to represent the interactions of cells.
  • Played on a two-dimensional grid with a maximum of 8 neighbours for a grid square.
  • Zero-player game determined by the initial random state of cells alive or dead.
  • Subsequent states are determined by a set of rules.


  1. Any live cell with 2 or 3 live neighbours lives on to the next generation (survival).
  2. Any live cell with fewer than 2 live neighbours dies (under-population).
  3. Any live cell with more than 3 live neighbors dies (overcrowding).
  4. Any dead cell with exactly 3 live neighbors evolves into a live cell (reproduction).
  5. Each cell lives or dies independently (non-sequentially) in a generational evolution.

App Environment

  • Python 3.10.6
  • Poetry dependency management
  • Setup instructions are specific to macOS. Steps may vary.

Setup Prerequisites

  1. Install pyenv for python version management - https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv
  2. Update pyenv if previously installed e.g. via brew brew upgrade pyenv
  3. Install poetry for python dependency management - https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation
  4. Update poetry if necessary (optional): poetry self update
  5. Add pyenv path to profile e.g. add export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv + export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
  6. Add poetry path to profile e.g. add export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin/:PATH
  7. Install python version: pyenv install 3.10.6

Python Environment

  1. Set python version within the repo directory: pyenv local 3.10.6
  2. Set the poetry env version of python: poetry env use ~/.pyenv/versions/3.10.6/bin/python
  3. Install python application dependencies: poetry install

Python Execution

  1. Run text game via terminal: poetry run python run_text_game.py
  2. Run simulated animation via terminal: poetry run python run_simulated_animation.py
  3. Run tests via terminal: poetry run python -m pytest -p no:cacheprovider tests

Optional: PyCharm Setup

  1. Open PyCharm Preferences
  2. Open Project Interpeter > Add existing Virtualenv Environment e.g. /Users/<username>/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/<poetry-name>/bin/python
  3. Open Tools > Python Integrated Tools > Default test runner: pytest
  4. Run text game: Right-click on run_text_game.py and choose Run
  5. Run simulated animation: Right-click on run_simulated_animation.py and choose Run
  6. Run tests via pytest: Right-click on tests and choose Run

Poetry Reference