
A solution for type-safe IPC communication in electron

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version

This package provides a type-safe solution for IPC in Electron.js, ensuring that the communication between the main and renderer processes is reliable and consistent.

Design Principles

This package uses a "shared" module approach, where you define the type of an IPC channel within a shared module that can be bundled into either the main or renderer process. By doing this, we ensure that when you set up an IPC handler in the main process and call it from the renderer process, both actions are guided by the same type definition. This guarantees type safety across the board.

Important notes


TypeScript version >= 5.4.0 is required. The NoInfer utility type is used.


Strict mode must be turned on in tsconfig.json. Otherwise type infrence will not work as expected.


If you're using Vite, depending on how it's configured, you may need to install this package as a dev dependency. For more information, see Installing in dependencies vs. devDependencies.

If you're using Webpack install this package of a normal dependency.

npm i typed-electron-ipc

# or

npm i --save-dev typed-electron-ipc


Here's an abstract example. For complete examples, see the examples directory.

Shared IPC channel type definition (shared/readFile.ts)

import { IpcChannel } from 'typed-electron-ipc'

export const readFileChannel: IpcChannel<[string], string> = {
  name: '/file/read'

Main process

import fs from 'fs/promises';
import { ipcHandle } from 'typed-electron-ipc';

// Shared IPC channel definition
import { readFileChannel } from '../path/to/shared/readFile.ts';

ipcHandle(readFileChannel, (event, path) => {
  return fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8');

Renderer process

import { ipcInvoke } from 'typed-electron-ipc';

// Shared IPC channel definition
import { readFileChannel } from '../path/to/shared/readFile.ts';

const fileContents = await ipcInvoke(readFileChannel, '/etc/hosts');

Error handling

Electron's IPC mechanism does not properly serialize JavaScript exceptions. To address this limitation, this package provides a slightly opinionated solution to encode and decode JavaScript exceptions during IPC communication.

Error handling example

We'll continue with the above example of reading a file with fs.

Main process

import fs from 'fs/promises'
import { ipcHandle, throwIpcError } from 'typed-electron-ipc';

// Shared IPC channel definition
import { readFileChannel } from '../path/to/shared/readFile.ts'

ipcHandle(readFileChannel, (event, path) => {
  // Ensure file exists
  try {
    await fs.stat(path);
  } catch (e) {
    return throwIpcError('File does not exist!');

  return fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8');

Renderer process

import { ipcInvoke } from 'typed-electron-ipc';

// Shared IPC channel definition
import { readFileChannel } from '../path/to/shared/readFile.ts';

try {
  const fileContents = await ipcInvoke(readFileChannel, '/etc/hosts');
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof Error) {
    console.log(e.message) // File does not exist!

Installing in dependencies vs. devDependencies

If you're using Vite, some templates/examples configure Vite so that any installed dependencies are not bundled into the build. This configuration may look something like the following:

// vite.config.ts
import pkg from './package.json';


build: {
  rollupOptions: {
    external: Object.keys('dependencies' in pkg ? pkg.dependencies : {})


If you have the above configuration, this package needs to be installed as a dev dependency. If this package is not bundled by Vite, an error will be thrown when the preload script is attempted to be loaded.

Known Electron + Vite templates that ship with the above configuration:


MIT License


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.