
Parallel simulation with mrgsolve and futures

Primary LanguageR



mrgsolve.parallel facilitates parallel simulation with mrgsolve in R. The future and parallel packages provide the parallelization.

There are 2 main workflows:

  1. Split a data_set into chunks by ID, simulate the chunks in parallel, then assemble the results back to a single data frame.
  2. Split an idata_set (individual-level parameters) into chunks by row, simulate the chunks in parallel, then assemble the results back to a single data frame.

The nature of the parallel backend requires some overhead to get the parallel simulation done. So, it will take a reasonably-sized job to see a speed increase and small jobs will likely take longer with parallelization. But jobs taking more than a handful of seconds could benefit from this type of parallelization.





options(future.fork.enable = TRUE, parallelly.fork.enable = TRUE, mc.cores = 4L)

First workflow: split and simulate a data set

mod <- modlib("pk2cmt", end = 168*8, delta = 1)

data <- expand.ev(amt = 100*seq(1,2000), ii = 24, addl = 27*2+2) 

data <- mutate(data, CL = runif(n(), 0.7, 1.3))

.   ID time amt ii addl cmt evid        CL
. 1  1    0 100 24   56   1    1 0.9714138
. 2  2    0 200 24   56   1    1 0.7977687
. 3  3    0 300 24   56   1    1 0.7937479
. 4  4    0 400 24   56   1    1 1.0287696
. 5  5    0 500 24   56   1    1 1.1802787
. 6  6    0 600 24   56   1    1 0.7458695
. [1] 2000    8

We can simulate in parallel with the future package or the parallel package like this:

plan(multisession, workers = 4L)
system.time(ans1 <- future_mrgsim_d(mod, data, nchunk = 4L))
.    user  system elapsed 
.   0.473   0.176   4.173
plan(multicore, workers = 4L)
system.time(ans1b <- future_mrgsim_d(mod, data, nchunk = 4L))
.    user  system elapsed 
.   5.322   0.544   1.846
system.time(ans2 <- mc_mrgsim_d(mod, data, nchunk = 4L))
.    user  system elapsed 
.   5.289   0.563   1.756

To compare an identical simulation done without parallelization

system.time(ans3 <- mrgsim_d(mod,data))
.    user  system elapsed 
.   4.839   0.105   4.954
. [1] TRUE

Second workflow: split and simulate a batch of parameters

Backend and the model

plan(multisession, workers = 6)

mod <- modlib("pk1cmt", end = 168*4, delta = 1)

For this workflow, we have a set of parameters (idata) along with an event object that gets applied to all of the parameters

idata <- tibble(CL = runif(4000, 0.5, 1.5), ID = seq_along(CL))

. # A tibble: 6 × 2
.      CL    ID
.   <dbl> <int>
. 1 0.552     1
. 2 0.765     2
. 3 0.669     3
. 4 0.943     4
. 5 0.929     5
. 6 1.19      6
dose <- ev(amt = 100, ii = 24, addl = 27)

. Events:
.   time amt ii addl cmt evid
. 1    0 100 24   27   1    1

Run it in parallel

system.time(ans1 <- mc_mrgsim_ei(mod, dose, idata, nchunk = 6))
.    user  system elapsed 
.   3.705   0.481   1.486

And without parallelization

system.time(ans2 <- mrgsim_ei(mod, dose, idata, output = "df"))
.    user  system elapsed 
.   3.313   0.076   3.395
. [1] TRUE

Utility functions

You can access the chunking functions for your own parallel workflows

dose <- ev_seq(ev(amt = 100), ev(amt = 50, ii = 12, addl = 2))
dose <- ev_rep(dose, 1:5)

.    ID time amt ii addl cmt evid
. 1   1    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 2   1    0  50 12    2   1    1
. 3   2    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 4   2    0  50 12    2   1    1
. 5   3    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 6   3    0  50 12    2   1    1
. 7   4    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 8   4    0  50 12    2   1    1
. 9   5    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 10  5    0  50 12    2   1    1
chunk_by_id(dose, nchunk = 2)
. $`1`
.   ID time amt ii addl cmt evid
. 1  1    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 2  1    0  50 12    2   1    1
. 3  2    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 4  2    0  50 12    2   1    1
. 5  3    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 6  3    0  50 12    2   1    1
. $`2`
.    ID time amt ii addl cmt evid
. 7   4    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 8   4    0  50 12    2   1    1
. 9   5    0 100  0    0   1    1
. 10  5    0  50 12    2   1    1

See also: chunk_by_row

Do a dry run to check the overhead of parallelization

system.time(x <- fu_mrgsim_d(mod, data, nchunk = 8, .dry = TRUE))
.    user  system elapsed 
.   0.014   0.001   0.016
plan(multisession, workers = 8L)
system.time(x <- fu_mrgsim_d(mod, data, nchunk = 8, .dry = TRUE))
.    user  system elapsed 
.   0.045   0.003   5.151

Pass a function to post process on the worker

First check the range of times from the previous example

.    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
.     0.0   167.0   335.5   335.5   504.0   672.0

The post-processing function has arguments the simulated data and the model object

post <- function(sims, mod) {
  filter(sims, time > 600)  

dose <- ev(amt = 100, ii = 24, addl = 27)

ans3 <- mc_mrgsim_ei(mod, dose, idata, nchunk = 6, .p = post)
.    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
.   601.0   618.8   636.5   636.5   654.2   672.0

The main use case here is to summarize or some how decrease the volume of data before returning the combined simulations. In case memory is able to handle the simulation volume, this post-processing could be done on the combined data as well.

More info

See inst/docs/stories.md (on GitHub only) for more details.